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NES Completions thread 2022 - 564/677 (bonus games - 83/100)


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  • The title was changed to NES Completions thread 2022 - 272/677 (bonus games - 35/100)

Progressing nicely through Ghost Lion tonight.  Based on the maps shown on VGMaps, it looks like I'm roughly half-way through the game.  Should be done by the end of the week if I'm lucky, and when I do, it'll mark my 10th first-time completion of the year, and will be my 220th completed US release (well, since I started tracking them in 2006 anyway).  Always nice to have a nice round number 😛

EDIT: Also, I just noticed that I'm not ranked correctly @scaryice...I'm in 8th, but should be 5th.  No biggie, but on the next edit you might wanna fix it 🙂

Edited by the_wizard_666
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Adventures of Tom Sawyer is done. It wasn't a terrible game, but not good either. The one-hit deaths were extremely frustrating as well as the extremely sparse checkpoints. The controls also left something to be desired, not to mention that your projectiles were flying in an arc which made hitting most enemies very difficult. But at least they had some variety in the levels with some shoot 'em up segments thrown in. The unlimited continues also helped a lot to make this game more palatable for completion.

Tom Sawyer.jpg

Edited by Gaia Gensouki
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I've completed 3 of the 5 palaces in azo no Murasame-jou which may make it seem like I'm fairly far along, but the difficulty is insane on this game and it has been ramping up significantly with every stage. On the last one I damn near gave up because of how difficult some of the enemy patterns/setups were. It's like fighting a screen full of darknuts while also playing a bullet hell shooter at the same time, on 240 pixels. It's insanity.

Fortunately it has infinite continues, a save system, and a relatively generous checkpoint system within levels, so I can get a lot of practice in. I think I'll be able to eventually beat it, but I have a feeling the last 2 palaces are going to be rough. Will probably grind it some more tomorrow and hopefully over the weekend.

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  • The title was changed to NES Completions thread 2022 - 279/677 (bonus games - 35/100)

So I'm gonna point something out with regard to the Koei requirements:

Bandit Kings of Ancient China - All scenarios give the same ending.  Requiring a specific scenario is stupid.

Gemfire - All scenarios give the same ending.  Thus there shouldn't be a scenario requirement.

Genghis Khan - World Conquest isn't necessary.  If you beat Mongol Conquest, it sends you to World Conquest to finish the game.  So in order to see the entire game, you need to play through the Mongol Conquest.  World Conquest should be all that's needed (as you only need to win that to see the ending), but it shouldn't be a mandatory requirement

L'Empereur - Similar to Genghis Khan, the earlier scenarios just progress to the later ones naturally, thus starting the earliest scenario is the only way to see the entire game.  Scenario 4 should be the minimum requirement, not the mandatory starting point.

Nobunaga's Ambition - Nothing is mentioned in the Pastebin file, but since the number of fiefs makes a HUGE difference in game duration, there should be a note whether either game is okay or if the 17 fief game is not acceptable.  Either way is fine, but it needs to be noted.  That said, I've never played the short game...it's entirely possible the 17 fief game progresses to the long game like several other titles...in which case this can be disregarded entirely.

Nobunaga's Ambition II - I haven't really played it, but considering pretty much every other Koei game either gives the same ending regardless of scenario or progresses through each scenario anyway, there shouldn't be a scenario requirement.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms - Much like L'Empereur, the game proceeds through each scenario anyway.  Even though some scenarios technically say they only need X number of territories to win, after achieving that goal, you are then told to conquer the entire map.  You don't actually get an ending until you do that, so any scenario should be an acceptable starting point.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms II - Again, the scenario is irrelevant to the ending.  Hell, the sixth scenario isn't even the hardest one, unless you stupidly decide to use Meng Huo as your leader.  Thus, requiring a scenario shouldn't be a factor in completion.

Uncharted Waters - Okay, I'm just putting this for completion's sake.  The game has a definitive ending and only one way to achieve it, and no real options when setting the game up, so while it's not listed, there's also no ambiguity about the requirements.  I just didn't want someone questioning why I didn't mention it 😛

So yeah, the gist of it is that none of the Koei games should require a specific scenario to complete it, aside from Nobunaga's Ambition, which should require the longer game (unless the game naturally progresses to it anyway). 

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So although my score wasn't good enough to get an actual ending (250+), apparently all that's required for Championship Bowling is beating the high score, so that can be crossed off.  Wasn't even gonna bother posting a single pointer, but what the hell, nobody else is hitting it.  Surprisingly tricky, it took a few tries to even get the 214 I did.  Probably gonna keep going on it after class tomorrow though, cuz now I wanna tick it off my personal list 😛

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  • The title was changed to NES Completions thread 2022 - 288/677 (bonus games - 35/100)
12 hours ago, the_wizard_666 said:

So I'm gonna point something out with regard to the Koei requirements:

Thanks for the analysis. I believe the logic behind saying "play the later scenario" was just to let people know they didn't need to play through everything to get the ending. Of course they could go through all of them if they wanted to.

I think in Nobunaga it might be okay for just beat the 17 fief scenario, if I'm remembering @Daniel_Doyce's argument correctly.

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2 hours ago, scaryice said:

Thanks for the analysis. I believe the logic behind saying "play the later scenario" was just to let people know they didn't need to play through everything to get the ending. Of course they could go through all of them if they wanted to.

I think in Nobunaga it might be okay for just beat the 17 fief scenario, if I'm remembering @Daniel_Doyce's argument correctly.

I gotcha.  It just isn't very clear is all.  A simple "Any scenario" should suffice for that.

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1 hour ago, Gaia Gensouki said:

The Krion Conquest is done.

Well done! I've never been able to clear the first stage. Do you have tips for someone struggling to get started with that game? 

Also congrats to @scaryiceon getting Qix done, on apparently only two tries. I played it for about an hour a couple of days ago and couldn't get closer than about 70000 points. 

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