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NES Completions thread 2022 - 564/677 (bonus games - 83/100)


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Well, after taking Sweden out, I focused my efforts on retaking Germany.  Early on I lost Berlin to Prussia, but took Amsterdam and retook Frankfurt and Munich.  Along the way though, Prussia decided to invade Lyon and overran my defenders...but not for long.  I managed to retake Lyon on the following turn, and have evicted Prussia from Germany.  My next goals will be to wipe out Denmark (a low priority, gonna just let my underlings handle that when the treaty expires), and to take Iberia.  Although hostilities with Spain and Portugal don't exist yet, I still have sea control in the Mediterranean, allowing me to raid Gibraltar and take it from the English before declaring war on the other two nations...ideally I'll take them out one at a time and keep my forces up, but there's never any guarantees with this game in my experience.  But after my Germanic conquests, I got recalled back to Paris to be crowned Emperor of France.  So now I'm officially in the final scenario.  May not be long now, just gotta put the time in.

EDIT: Further update - Lost Berlin to Austria after they declared war on me, but they sacrificed troops in a couple failed incursions as well as losing Vienna, so they sued for peace in the next diplomacy phase, which allowed me to focus on Iberia.  While I can't do anything to Portugal just yet (alliance), I have managed to wipe Spain off the map, and I took Gibraltar from the English, eliminating their continental presence.  Additionally, I took Denmark's last city up north.  I now have enough ports to give me enough ships to take worldwide naval dominance, it's just a matter of building ships.  So now I'll focus on taking out Portugal as soon as the alliance expires, leaving Austria, Turkey, Russia and England.  At the moment, my biggest threat after that is Austria, however I have a friendship pact with them, so I may maintain that as long as I can and take out the Turks and Russians.  England is my last target though, as once they have no continental allies, it's easy to starve them out.  None of my remaining opponents can do much to me individually, but I'll have to strategically maintain alliances in order to keep from getting slammed on all fronts.  Shouldn't be too long though.

Edited by the_wizard_666
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Goalllllllll!!!!!!!!!!! is done. I cruised through the game until the last match. Played that one enough to memorize a 16 digit passcode. As soon as I would get a goal, theyd march down and answer. After a night or 2s trying, I somehow found a groove and grabbed a big lead and didnt let it go



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Bedtime progress report:  No new advances on Ultimate Air Combat.  I use action games to break up the monotony of an RPG grind...however I didn't feel the need to stop conquering Europe today, so I simply didn't play it.  I did, however, make MASSIVE progress toward that goal.  I have now eliminated Austria, leaving only Turkey, Russia and England on the map.  The Russians tried to take one of the cities I took from Austria, albeit not with the massive numbers advantage they attempted in Scandinavia.  You'd think those Scandinavian incursions would've caused them to rethink an invasion, but they came at me anyway.  This time they only had a 2:1 numbers advantage though, rather than a 4:1 advantage, so I actually had an easier time defensively than those attacks.  Anyway, after my successful defence, they sued for peace with a hefty donation to my war chest, and then asked to buy food on top of it!  I opted to placate them for the time being though, as it'll give me a chance to shore up my northern forces.  And since it coincides with the conclusion of my Turkish alliance, I'll be able to take the south before working my way through Russia.  And once they go down, it's just a matter of slapping the Brits while they starve.  Needless to say, I'll probably have it done in the next day or two, which will remove one of the tougher Koei games from the list.  Not sure where I'll go from there either...I'll have to look through the list to see what piques my interest.

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  • The title was changed to NES Completions thread 2022 - 382/677 (bonus games - 44/100)

Dizzy the Adventurer is done.  Considering how brutal Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy is, I was honestly expecting this to be a LOT harder, but it's got just the right balance of length and difficulty.  The puzzles are fairly obvious, but that's not a bad thing, as the fun of this kind of game is to explore and find the stuff you need.  The map was reasonable to traverse, so it was a pretty fun experience overall.  Highly recommended.  Also, fun fact, it's the first Camerica game I've ever beat as well!

Also knocked off a couple more stages of Ultimate Air Combat, though with how frustrating the dogfights are getting, I may not be progressing as quickly through it as I was initially.  Still gonna chip away at it, but thank fuck for frequent passwords.  Seriously, I've only had two or three tricky bombing sections, most I get on my first or second attempt...but the dogfights are just brutal.

Edited by the_wizard_666
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  • The title was changed to NES Completions thread 2022 - 385/677 (bonus games - 46/100)

Here's something that I found interesting. It's the initial point values from 2014 (the first year of the point system), compared to the amount of points those games are worth here in 2022:

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 35 17 7 2 3 3        
2 14 23 15 6 4 2   2    
3 6 9 15 13 11 4 4 2 2  
4 3 6 7 10 8 11 12 1 5 3
5 5 5 7 9 12 7 5 10 2 4
6 1 1 5 6 11 9 9 12 8 4
7   2 4 12 5 11 7 6 10 9
8 2 1 5 3 4 7 9 8 14 13
9   2 1 4 5 5 10 15 10 14
10 1     1 3 7 10 10 15 20


Left column = 2014 points. Top row = 2022 points. So, for example, let's take the 67 games worth 1 point in 2014. There are now 35 worth one point, 17 worth two points, 7 worth three points, 2 worth four points, 3 worth five points, and 3 worth six points.


I'm sure you guys can guess the game that went 10-1, right?


Also, there's still 38 games which have had the same point value every single year:


1 point (24 games) - Amagon, Chessmaster, Contra, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., Double Dragon 2, Duck Tales, Fisher Price: I Can Remember, Galaga, Ice Hockey, Kung Fu, Mario Bros., Mega Man, Mega Man 2, Monopoly, Ninja Gaiden, Pac-Man, Popeye, Remote Control, Super C, Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario Bros. 3, Tetris

2 points (2 games) - Duck Tales 2, TMNT 2

10 points (12 games) - Days of Thunder, Destination Earth Star, Dungeon Magic, F-117A Stealth Fighter, Flight of the Intruder, Hunt for Red October, Little Ninja Brothers, Might & Magic, Motor City Patrol, Rally Bike, Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball, Ultimate Air Combat



Edited by scaryice
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Did another 4 levels of Ultimate Air Combat today, which I believe puts me over the half way point.  It's getting crazy though...it's weird, a couple of the levels are insanely tough, but then others are still no challenge at all.  I don't really get it...you'd think the difficulty would ramp normally, not jump and drop all over the place.  But whatever, progress is being made.

For my "grind" game, I decided to start up Shingen the Ruler, and despite the ho hum visuals and passable sound, I'm rather enjoying it.  It's like a Koei game in a lot of ways, but the battles are far more tactical in nature, while the city management portion is pretty simple to grasp.  I also like how when you invade you can choose to besiege the castle or not...this allows you to whittle their forces down through tactical strikes against them.  This was discovered after I successfully fended off an attack, and opted to strike against the wanker that attacked me and sent him packing back to his castle.  Anyway,  I've only played about one in-game year so far, and this run is more to test the waters than to actually play to completion, but it doesn't seem like there's going to be much need to restart unless I seriously botch something along the way. 

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Progress report:

Ultimate Air Combat -  I've made some significant headway here...on Stage 7, with 2/4 levels completed so far.  Hopefully this'll be in the books by the weekend.  It's starting to wear out it's welcome, but I'd still call it a hidden gem.  Definitely fun for short bursts, and getting a password after every level makes it far more doable than it otherwise would be.  But damn, shit's starting to get unforgiving here!

Shingen the Ruler - I'm really digging this one.  It's pretty slow paced, and you really have to level up your forces through short skirmishes if you're gonna have a chance to expand your territory, but it's definitely a fun game (for those that like this sort of game anyway).  I finally managed to take out one of my neighbours, learning that it's incredibly difficult to damage the "command" unit if they have significant numbers and you don't.  I won the battle on the final turn before suffering a loss, but my forces are starting to get more skilled, giving me a pretty solid chance.  Still not sure if I'm gonna use this as my serious run or if I'm gonna restart, but I don't really see a reason to restart just yet.  It seems the way to go is to spend most of your time building the provinces, and if you don't have the means to do anything significant, attack your weakest neighbour to steal some of their resources.  Once you have a solid bankroll, you can build your forces up pretty easily.  I also did a bit of experimentation with the tax rate - while the FAQ suggests a lower tax rate (no more than 20%), I've been finding that I can tax 30%, then immediately provide aid by spending the newfound money, allowing me to keep the extra product (which can be flipped for cash when the market gives a solid return), while minimizing the lost loyalty and wealth.  If you have a lot of cash, you can even go higher than that (I've personally dinged the people as much as 40%, but I see no reason it can't even be higher than that).  This one may take me a while to finish, but it seems like a surefire victory given enough time.  Also, my first princess was born recently...meaning I'll have to look into how alliances work now 😛

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Still struggling with Maboo at the end of Rolling Thunder, so I paused with that and beat Code Name: Viper. Rolling Thunder is more iconic and has better music, but Viper is the stronger overall game. The final boss fight with Commander Smith is pretty anti-climactic as long as you bring some machine gun bullets.

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2 minutes ago, NESfiend said:

Fist of the North Star - something different would be a nice evaluation. Not great, but I have fun with it anyhow


Yeah, I thoroughly enjoyed it when I beat it.  Pretty tough to beat without pulling a no-death run though, as you pretty much have to be fully powered to stand a chance on the last boss, and it's impossible to get fully powered on the final stage if you die.  But yeah, it's not a great game, but it's definitely an improvement over the first game in the series (our version was Hokuto No Ken 2 in Japan).  Interestingly, the third game in the series is an RPG.  I'd love to play it too, but nobody's translated it to date, at least as far as I'm aware.

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3 hours ago, nerdynebraskan said:

Gun-Nac is done. This is my first time beating it. It was super fun. I'm no shooter ace, but this one is light on the difficulty. I'm shocked a game this fun and easy was still on the board in February.

I must have missed it!  I made myself a little list and I didn't put it on there.  Its def fun and not stupid hard like other shooters.

32 minutes ago, NESfiend said:

Fist of the North Star - something different would be a nice evaluation. Not great, but I have fun with it anyhow


I remember to get to the actual last level you have to beat all the levels without dying (or continuing?) and I think theres a weird glitch that happens where you cant beat or access the last level.  This is a weird one.

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  • The title was changed to NES Completions thread 2022 - 390/677 (bonus games - 46/100)
14 hours ago, guitarzombie said:

I must have missed it!  I made myself a little list and I didn't put it on there.  Its def fun and not stupid hard like other shooters.

Actually, Gun-Nac is stupid hard if you play on the highest difficulty; the only reason it's "easy" for most folks is because they don't want to challenge themselves so they play on easy mode...

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15 hours ago, guitarzombie said:

I remember to get to the actual last level you have to beat all the levels without dying (or continuing?) and I think theres a weird glitch that happens where you cant beat or access the last level.  This is a weird one.

Wasnt aware of that, but my game actually was a no death run. I tried a couple times before I remembered the power up system. That got me familiar with bosses again. Then once I powered him all the way up early, it was a quick and easy run compared to trying to start last level with no power. 

I also ran through the 4 bosses in vs start mode, but I doubt thats a requirement. 


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