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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. I actually just sold mine a few hours ago. Decided to go with that inner voice for once that said "you're up 30%,take it". We'll see if one of my financial decisions work out for once.
  2. I never really had any chance of getting rich off bitcoin, with how late I bought in.
  3. Tch. Canada living in the future!
  4. And you you so quickly and harshly judge it, not even able to master the simple jumping. Tut Tut.
  5. Pick up the diamonds, yeah. Each diamond gives more and more points, until you get a free life and it resets.
  6. Macho Riki. Gotta find the hidden blocks by shooting at em (a lot). I have them all memorized.
  7. @the_wizard_666 @CasualCart Typical score at the end of level 1, before the boss:
  8. There's nothing wrong with his Rom, that's a totally normal (low, even) score for that point in the game.
  9. Quickie before bed. Died at a pretty typical spot foolishly. Such is life. 340640
  10. I'm gonna find some time between work for sure. Not highly likely I'll get a top score, but I might get addicted like most times I pop this one in.
  11. One of my absolute favorite shrimps, and one of my top NES games. @CasualCart get in here and play!
  12. Oh my word lmao. It's Kefka's (the antagonist's) final form in Final Fantasy III on SNES. He's basically ascended to godhood at that point.
  13. Haven't had a chance to play yet, busy working.
  14. Ya know, growing up, I never thought I'd have friends who knew that Nightshade on the NES was a thing. Now I'm surrounded by them. #blessed
  15. I don't like Metroid lol.
  16. I got Super Monkeyball Banana Mania instead.
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