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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. I can't vouch for the whole library. It's a functional emulator though, and doesn't require a Flip, they just work quite well for emulating the form factor.
  2. Do I have like 2600 friends? Was I the Atari all along? This thread has run it's course, so I'm shutting it down here.
  3. You followed it up pretty passive aggressively with "K nice talkin to ya", and pretty quickly at that. It's a forum, you can't expect people to just drop everything and respond right away all the time. You are a new member who joined up, asked for information, were given information (that which exists anyway) and each time it seems it wasn't enough. You got an eyeroll probably cuz it looked like you wanted someone to just hand you a huge database of all the info ever pertaining to NES variants (which really doesn't quite exist, fyi). So you took an eyeroll personally, passive-aggressively asked for clarification, and then when you were told you were whining (pretty tame) you called him a number of very rude things. You then proceeded to follow his account, started "attacking" them in your own petty little way, and called him out publicly claiming to be in a "flam war", when it was very much a one-sided assault. You've now followed Code Monkey as well, presumably with intent to do the same. As I say, you would do well to drop it and move on. You've worn out my patience on this one. And I'll advise you not to go around "downvote-bombing" people. While it has no negative impact on their standing in the community, getting clearly stated negative notifications over and over again will get quite annoying for them. So stop that, or I'll remove your ability to react to things. So just drop it. At best, I can say that neither of you was right. I don't really care who is "more right" cuz there's really no line. You took an emote personally; they are not intended to be taken as such. This is a lighthearted and generally friendly community. If you'd like to be a part of it then you need to curb your attitude here and now. Thanks!
  4. It's unacceptable behavior for this forum. Yeah you reached out to him relatively aggressively. You could definitely have approached it in a lighter manner. I've seen the chat, no need to copy-paste it all over the place. At any rate, that's enough of that. Consider this a friendly warning before they get official. Get back to the regular discussion and drop it. Thanks!
  5. You called him a "fucktard" in response, you're really not getting much sympathy dude.
  6. No, they're pretty innocent. You might actually be the only one who cares in this way, I'm afraid.
  7. @Hyrules Plumber FYI, eyerolling a bunch of a person's posts doesn't negatively impact them in any way, it really just kinda makes you look petty.
  8. Honestly? Play it now. There's a multiplayer aspect that you'll likely miss out on otherwise. Similar to Dark Souls' invasions; it's incredibly fun and there's plenty people playing right now. Who knows, in a year or so.
  9. Yeah I fiddled with it a bit. Happy to see it's actually a decent spike in difficulty. Really rewards actually KNOWING the game. Me like.
  10. @Californication - Ok I can see how it ramps up: Yeah the default setting compared to this is quite tame. Incredibly so by comparison. I appreciate the warning they put up about it being unfair lol. They've increased the number of shots by enemies significantly as well as the speed at which they move. I'll not be playing on Nightmare obviously, but I might bump it up from the default for the rest of the episodes.
  11. I'm playing on default settings. It's not very difficult, but I don't honestly have difficulty with most games. I don't imagine that even the hardest difficulty would pose too much challenge based on the gameplay thus far. I've not gone too far out of my way to find the secrets, so I'm not sure what about those might make it much more challenging, aside from maybe if they just enemy-bomb you when you pick something up. They seem to like doing that sometimes, just drop like 10 dudes on you. They're all easily avoidable though so it's not like even a ton of dudes would be very challenging unless they squished you into a corner and you literally couldn't move. Maybe I'll try a level on Nightmare to see if it's actually any tougher.
  12. I finished the first episode - Knee-Deep in the Dead. Took an hour and a half-ish. Moving on to The Shores of Hell. Liking it so far.
  13. Gloves

    All gone.

    Lol. It's cool man.
  14. Gloves

    All gone.

    You asked a year ago in this very thread. As long as things are very clearly labelled as such we don't see a problem with it.
  15. I've only actually played it once. I was a Guitar Hero guy.
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