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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Vous savez sacrément bien ce que je veux dire!
  2. How on earth would Canada count as European!?!?
  3. Fair enough. Specifically, the Let's Go games are really remakes of Yellow version. Same basic game, different visuals. Not that it's a big deal, play Let's Go all you want, just pointing out that those games bear the same base as some of the best games in the series, the originals.
  4. Let's Go Eevee is just Pokemon Red/Blue though, yeah? So it's still at least based on a well structured game. There's the new Pokémon Legends: Arceus coming out next: https://legends.pokemon.com/en-us/ It looks like a PS2 game. Actually, let's not insult the PS2, I've been playing a fair bit of PS2 lately and it generally looks better than this. Graphics aside, I just have no faith based on the last like, 3 core games, that they'll do anything decent with it. I mean at least with Black and White 4 gens ago they tried something different by putting story first.
  5. My experience with "rich Saudis" (through PlayStation trophy hunting) is that they really tend not to give a shit about the method, only the appearance. I was acquainted with some of the most prominent trophy sellers in the world and they sold thousands and thousands of PSN trophies to these people for extreme prices; typically they'd just buy the "get me as many trophies as possible bundle", which meant many many Japanese visual novels being added to their accounts to just boost the numbers. I could totally see one of them buying a cart-only N64 set in UGCs, not really giving a shit about what that actually means. "Are these real carts, that will run on a real Nintendo?" "Yes" "And the cases, they look nice?" "Yes" "I'll take them"
  6. New games, that is. I'll always have fond memories of the first two generations, and I'll definitely replay those games. I still need to get around to the 3rd gen. I didn't have a GBA until way late so I basically skipped that era of handheld games until I got a DS. Heck, I have a tattoo featuring Gastly and its evolutions (Haunter is my favorite Pokemon). But the spark is long gone. Not for me personally, but the company making the mainline games at least, the series is completely lacking in every way. Playing through Sword/Shield made it more clear than ever, the quality is in the absolute dumps; Sword was easily one of THE WORST RPGs I've ever played. I was looking at upcoming games (in general) today and was reminded of the re-release of Diamond/Pearl and I kinda realized - the only excitement I could possibly get from Pokemon is from them re-releasing a game I already own! I'll just play the original! Anyway, bit of a rant, and a good chunk of the site is a bit older than me and wasn't grabbed by the Pokemon craze in the 90's, but I was right there in the thick of it and it had a lasting impact on me. It's gone to show however that nostalgia alone really can't keep a passion alive. Anyone else in the same boat, or otherwise have any thoughts or feelings on the place Pokemon has come to?
  7. I have beaten Prince of Persia: Sands of time. Easy to see the influence it has had on other series, but overall it was honestly pretty dull by the halfway mark. It got interesting enough in the last 10% of the game, but it's definitely not something I'll likely ever replay.
  8. Yeah if you'd like to do so you're welcome to! Here's the repo: https://github.com/DouglasKGlover/gloves-off-games I've not worked on the ReadMe yet so there's crucial details to getting up and running technically missing, but you could probably figure it out. The CMS I'm using is Contentful, though technically any GraphQL capable headless CMS should work just fine as long as you have a schema in-line with the data pulled (see the /graphql/ folder). The framework in use is Nuxt, an open source Vue framework, set to SSG mode for static hosting on Netlify (or similar - Heroku, etc.). If you wanna try to make your own copy and run it, I'm happy to answer any questions you might have. Also open to feedback and criticism on the code if you have any.
  9. Yeah the text shadows might go. They were fun to start but it's definitely a kinda old school gaudy look. Thanks for the feedback!
  10. I've added a few more features to my tracker. Since I have games able to be set to "WTS", as well as for additional archiving purposes, I have added a photo gallery as an option for games. You can see this in action on Contra III which I added today: https://glovesoffgames.com/games/super-nintendo/contra-iii-the-alien-wars I've also added a "Requirements for Completion" field which will outline for each game what I need to do in order to consider the game "Completed", an upgrade from the more obvious "Beaten" (see the end credits, generally). All of the features that I've added will only show up for games I've added them on, so it's not all cluttered. For instance, on Contra I've not written any blog entries, so that section doesn't appear at all on that page. Entries will naturally and progressively grow the more I play them add photos, etc.!
  11. Seriously - no loading screens! I've been a pc gamer for a long time and have always seen the huge difference a good pc makes over consoles with loading speeds. Dark Souls was INSANE when it released, hiding loading behind elevator rides and ladders very cleverly; not the first to do so, but the one to do it best first, it was seamless. We take stuff like that for granted today, but go play PS1/PS2, even simple games, it's day and night. Some games on early disc systems are nigh on unplayable compared to their alternatives, like Chrono Trigger. Ever played that on PS1? It's a nightmare!
  12. It's my wife's birthday today, that's all it's ever really been to me personally. Regarding the terrorist attack in the States, I was in French class in grade 7 or 8 at the time I learned that it had happened. It really didn't directly impact me or anyone I knew at the time.
  13. That's the biggest point though tbh, it's not going to ever be about direct graphics upgrades again, it'll be about more at once, and more quickly, at higher resolutions, with less FPS drop. Frankly I'll be glad to see the conversation move away from how many hairs there are in Kratos' beard and over to how many dudes he can take down at once.
  14. I don't think so. There's always the potential for exciting new games and that's what it's all about. Sometimes it's the indie diamond in the rough, others it's a really well polished AAA title, I'm always open to new experiences.
  15. This is my first time playing, yeah, so I wanna get it as original as I can without being silly about it.
  16. I'm playing Ultimate Doom, bought it on GOG. To my knowledge, this is the original game, plus an extra episode. No bells and whistles, I'm controlling it like you would have at release.
  17. I ended up actually liking it a lot. It's definitely not very polished, there's a lot that you could say about it that's negative. But given the time it came out, I actually think it's pretty good.
  18. A 1CC allows for deaths; a 1LC does not.
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