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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Tough ones, these. Each matchup was pretty even for me save for the last one.
  2. I put up the page at the start of every year to make sure my name doesn't get stolen or anything. So yeah, all year available!
  3. You guys keep pushing my goal higher every year, eventually it's gonna get ridiculous lol.
  4. November. Plenty of time to get another upturn!
  5. Me yesterday: "Ah nice, I'm up around $500 total since I started this!" Me today: "Eh crep."
  6. Yeah my main funds go to WealthSimple which has done well investing in stocks etc. for me. I actually really like the robo investor cuz it's very set it and forget it, and after a few years it looks to be pretty clearly working. I'm up 17.5% returns on both my TFSA and RRSP! Obviously there's ups and downs (I was down a few thousand when covid hit, as I imagine just about every joe blow was) but overall I'm quite happy with it. This crypto stuff is just fun side stuff, I don't have a life-altering amount in it or anything ($2500 CAD right now). It's like when I used to play the economies on MapleStory, Runescape, and GaiaOnline. But now with real money!
  7. It's kinda funny, this has happened multiple times now. I look at my crypto and go "Boy, it sure has gone up quite quickly, now is probably a good time to liquidate!" and then I go "No no... we hold! Today's up could be tomorrow's down!". And then the prices all plummet the next day. I gotta start listening to that first voice in my head more!
  8. I love the Jungle Book, both the movie and the game. I ain't buying repros though, so...
  9. Lion King 2019 box office: $1.657b Aladdin 2019 box office: $1.051b Jungle Book 2016 box office: $966.6m They could put Lion King on just about anything and sell it.
  10. True. Keeps it interesting! In that vein, I've started up Prince of Persia: Sands of Time.
  11. It's always really hard for me to start up a new game. I have difficulty pinning down exactly what type of game I'm in the mood for. Often it's that I am still not "done" with whatever I just finished; right now I'd happily keep playing Dino Crisis despite having just beaten it and not even being all that impressed by it. The obvious answer might be to go play something else similar (such as Resident Evil), but I often find that moving to another similar game has me fizzle out on that game soon into it. When I played through Parasite Eve for instance, I immediately booted up the sequel, only to stop an hour or so into it. I dunno. I'll figure something out.
  12. Dino Crisis has been beaten! Pretty good overall. Honestly not nearly as good as Resident Evil 2,but maybe that's not a fair comparison. Iunno.
  13. Run it while not connected to the internet on your switch. It's likely pinging the server to see if an update is available, and they've set it to be strictly required. No internet, no see patch, no require patch.
  14. Zeldafan on fiya. He so on fiya feelin hot hot hot.
  15. Gloves


    I've not played this one yet (no ps5) but I've played all of the other LittleBigPlanet games. Looks to be a logical next step for the series. I liked LBP1&2 and the PSP game. 3 was pretty weak. I'll have to pick this up when I get a ps5 for sure.
  16. For me it's been a reminder of that I tend to sink far too much time into certain individual games. I've put over 4000 hours into a single Oldschool Runescape character. I have a history of addictive behavior with video games (such as my years of PlayStation trophy hunting) and it always ends up with me not playing the games I actually want to be playing. It's about taking the reminder and committing to taking action to get back to what I actually enjoy doing.
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