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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Agreed re: definition of an employee. As we've also agreed upon - its vague. Simply put: They made a promise - employees can't use our service They then plastered some faces on a "who we are" page That's all the info the public has. We shouldn't NEED the people on that page to come out and "clarify their role" (or lack of one). It's no wonder AT ALL why people would be up in arms. When you say "we won't do X!" and then say "this is we!" and then people see a "we" doing "X"... This is basic communication!
  2. Ethics aside, the company *claims* that employees can't use the service. This is SURELY to dissuade preferential treatment allegations. Mark having his photo right alongside and described as being within the same group as the rest of the executives in the company flies in the face of that whole idea. Can Deniz get Wata to grade his games? Can Kenneth? I'd argue that there's an implication by the promise they make to not do so, that anyone in that group should be considered equally responsible in not using the service for their own gain. Mark getting his games graded by Wata for the purpose of selling them on ebay or wherever else to me contradicts the promise they made as a company. BECAUSE they put him in that lineup. I don't have their ledgers. I don't know their HR person. I have no clue what constitutes an "employee" with these people; seemingly they are vague on this with potentially some purpose. Who IS an employee at Wata?
  3. My BAT has been doing well also. 20% up this week.
  4. Doesn't matter if he didn't know video games even existed prior to joining Wata. He joined Wata. He's claiming to basically not be a part of it at all, when he's right there on their website literally in a lineup with Deniz (President), Kenneth (Chief Grader), their CMO, and (interim) CEO (and Board Chairman). He's RIGHT THERE! STARING AT YOU! You can't stand up in a row of the heads of a company, call yourself an Executive Team Member, and then say "I am not a part of this team". Come on.
  5. I still wish I could get an amiibo kiosk, but yeah - shipping that sounds like a bad idea. I GUESS.
  6. I stopped caring about what this Seth person wrote the moment he spent an entire VERY long article trying to identify Bronty (DAN!!?!?) when his name is (was) CLEARLY stated on Wata's website: Feels like old people trying to figure out who this "4chan" fellow is.
  7. Come on lol. "I have put money into the company, and am an equity stakeholder. I am featured as an Executive Team member on their site (to this day!). I've never had any oversight role (CHIEF ADVISOR!?!?). I DON'T WORK FOR WATA!!!!"
  8. Making websites is sometimes for me just as fun as playing games, so I've continued working on my primary planned feature set. Today I added a "Glog" cuz I like silly wordplay - a "Game Log". Like... a blog. For my games... You get it. One of the main reasons I actually started this project in the first place was that I didn't feel that the Backloggery was putting playing games absolutely first. It focuses on clearing out the backlog, as the name implies. But what about when you're done, all cleared up, nothing left unbeaten? Heck, even before that, sometimes you sit back and play an ol' classic you've seen the ending of a million times. I wanted to allow myself full freedom to take as many notes and to write as much as I wanted about each game. Sometimes I'll do challenges (e.g. beating A Link to the Past with as little gear as possible) and the like and I want to document these things as best I can. I think the WHOLE journey is important, and on Backloggery I was limited to basically a Tweet's worth of characters to explain my entire history with a game. Nope, not enough. There's a general Glog landing page which will list the latest posts in order, and I've also added a list to each game of all posts pertaining to that game. So far there's just a single post tied to Dino Crisis, but I think as I continue playing games and writing about it, it'll grow to be quite robust indeed! I'm super excited to have added this feature since it was really one of the core improvements I wanted to see come to life, and well, there it is!
  9. It's oveeerrrrr. Thanks to all who put in a bid, and grats to @Alder with the winning one! I'll be in touch soon!
  10. I have 2 copies in fact, for some reason. Didn't like the game at all.
  11. Grrr. Not enough time! Work! Life! All excuses. QUIT JOB! LEAVE WIFE! PLAY GAM!
  12. Lol. It's... A start? I've added a "WTB/WTS" feature so I can add games I'm looking for, and games I'm selling. If you go to the All Games page you can filter by "Selling" to see what I currently have on offer! https://glovesoffgames.com/games
  13. It's all about mood for me. Some days/weeks I can stand to sit through an entire RPG, others I just wanna get some action and shoot people in a games for a half hour.
  14. Oh yeah, that. Who knows! We'll have to see.
  15. I've never played the Genesis game. I like Aladdin on SNES well enough but there's ZERO challenge to it, so it's not very engaging.
  16. My wife bought me a Duck Tales cart and I'd like to give it a home to live in. Looking for excellent (or close to it) condition. If you have one you're looking to sell PM me and we'll work something out!
  17. Fair! I'm just poking fun, it's clearly a WIP. Good job so far.
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