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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. I tried that with my knife but it just immediately fell to the floor.
  2. Yeah not necessarily trying to eek out every penny. Some cash for the site, and a nice deal for a member. Perfectly balanced!
  3. I'm definitely gonna slow down, work has picked up.
  4. Right for me, though left when playing hockey. Which is apparently fairly typical.
  5. Yeah my wife doesn't have a LinkedIn and she's not scamming people. ... unless?
  6. Got the song stuck in my head. 9/10
  7. I've not played that one, alas.
  8. The PS2 games weren't bad, either.
  9. I wasn't around for any fundraising drives, so I'm not sure. I just know (roughly) what the site was costing to run by the end. These things tend to get more expensive with time and especially with poor management or lack thereof.
  10. Yeah I have no issue with it at all, I just like to make sure people know their options.
  11. If I see something doing that I gently mention that we have signatures available via PM in case they weren't aware. @CasualCart does this and made a fair point when I did so - he feels (and I'm paraphrasing, feel free to correct me) that it's more personal and sincere if he does the "signing" himself each time. I get that for sure - makes you maybe step back and really think - am I ok putting my name on this? Smart, I say. Not for me, but smart no less.
  12. I reached out again and unfortunately got the same canned response as ever:Thank you for contacting us regarding Post Pebbles Cereal.We are sorry to inform you we have discontinued this product in Canada. Often products are discontinued due to lack of consumer demand or to make room for the introduction of new products. We no longer produce the cereal for sale in Canada and we no longer use the recipe when making our Pebbles products. Your comments regarding our product will be shared with our Marketing Department.Again, we apologize for any inconvenience this decision may have caused. We hope you will discover other Post Consumer Brands products to enjoy. Sadness envelops me once more.
  13. Ah right, yes. Like having your ebay account history just suddenly POOF!
  14. @karljobst It's noteworthy also that users can't access private forums at all. NintendoAge had a system not unlike our own "Clubs" where you and your pals could have a private little invite-only forum to discuss whatever suited your fancy. Often this feature was used to get a group of testers and team members together to work on developing a homebrew game for the NES or some other retro console. There's years worth of history that are currently entirely inaccessible to people.
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