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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Paperboy is damn near impossible on Hard. This is gonna take some doing. @Splain I've seen videos online of playing on lower difficulty and getting credits. Do we HAVE to play on hard? I don't wanna be a Bitch, but this game SUCKS, on top of Hard being... STUPIDLY HARD. Lol.
  2. And so twas that I held onto my BTC.
  3. Mmmm it's supposed to inherit the change I made. Guess it didn't for some reason.
  4. Are you on dark mode?
  5. Yo we don't talk about Runescape here, I'm in remission.
  6. They're hacks though, aren't they? Not homebrews?
  7. What sucks is that overall I LIKE the designs otherwise! They have nice looking cases! But the cases in this instance (any horizontal style box) are just sort of ignoring the context of what they contain! It's egregious! I've considered getting games VGA graded in the past but the cases look ugly. I saw Wata when they originally announced it and I was like "Oh nice! Looks sweet!". I'm gonna end up just getting some regular ol' acrylic cases without grading my games. I wanna still be able to whip em out to play em anyway, but for the maybe 10 sealed games I'll ever own, grading them would have been cool, back when it was a hobbyist thing. Now it's gonna cost me an arm and a leg and my first born child, AND I have to pay insurance based on a propped up market? Nah, dawg. Ain't for me no mo.
  8. How bout that time they couldn't grade that Fishy Face Jojo's Bizarre Adventure cuz it was a few millimeters off regular SNES boxes, and damaged the seal in the process? "Everything" that fits in their specific cases.
  9. I don't have a ton or anything. I have like $1000 in it. I also have a similar amount in ETH. Yeah, I can hold it all I want. I'm not in financial crisis or anything, I just don't have any personal love for BTC itself. I was thinking that it makes sense to put my money behind something I actively believe in, and right now that's BAT specifically.
  10. Damn. 25, eh? Looking forward to it!
  11. WOOOOOOOP woop woop woop woop! NYEEEHHHH!
  12. The only thing in that auction that might have interested me would have been Majora's Mask, but I still can't stand Wata's vertical case on horizontal boxed games. I stand by what I've always said - piss poor decision. LOOK AT THIS! Who the hell wants to display their games like this? NOBODY. ZERO people and you CAN'T convince me otherwise. The ONLY reason to have a game looking like this is because "It's Wata so it's worth money". They even HAVE (had!?!?) a horizontal case for these, but nobody gets em cuz they look different; I can't even find a photo for reference but I swear they exist, rarer than the games they're holding! UGH!
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