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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Don't everyone TRIP over each other trying to win this auction, or anything!
  2. I'm playing Beetle Adventure Racing. Gonna head to bed now though, finish it up tomorrow. Good work team!
  3. Rugrats Scavenger Hunt is done. That last board took forever. Pure random luck.
  4. I'm thinking of moving a lot, if not all, to BAT. I want to not just look at crypto as an investment monetarily, I want to think of it as an investment in something I believe in. I don't have any personal reason for BTC, but I do want to see Brave succeed, and I have good reason to believe that long term it will. So I want to put my money where my mouth is, literally.
  5. This game fuckin cheats man, fuck bowling.
  6. This is what happens when I remove an MMO from my life. I need SOMETHING to fill the void in my heart. Now it's n64.
  7. Armorines is done. I started it earlier today and got bored, but I was about half way through so figured I should finish it off. Might be my TV settings, but a lot of the games I've played lately have seemed a bit dark. Could just be atmosphere.
  8. If every game I play is a 4, I won't have to play all that many.
  9. Don't get me started!
  10. I added "VGS Time" to the "breadcrumb" on every page.
  11. On the last forum I was staff on, I implemented UTC for events, and everyone whiiiiined and whiiiiined about it. Never again.
  12. Ayyyyyyyy! Nice. If my signature convinces just one person, I feel that it's a success!
  13. FINALLY, a grey market hookup. I'll keep this on the dl; thanks!
  14. Gonna dump BTC in the next few days. Please look forward to it.
  15. Lies. Nothing about Canadian Pebbles. Despicable.
  16. Oh thank god I didn't start that up like I was planning to today. I'm lucky my wife is asleep so I can't play N64 right now lol.
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