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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. No, not rocks, the cereal! It's been brought up again and it's something I'm really passionate about (what a weirdo), so I thought I'd make a thread about it to share. In the 90's, in certain provinces in Canada, we had Cocoa and Fruity Pebbles, and they were amazing. Today in the States you can easily obtain Pebbles cereal without issue and be brought back to your childhood in an instant. This is, unfortunately, a trap. You've been tricked your entire life into thinking you have the best cereal ever. I'm sorry to tell you that you are dead wrong. THIS? These flaky, Rice Krispies wannabe, color vomit FAKES(!) are a depressing abomination compared to the REAL DEAL. ACTUAL, GOOD Fruity/Cocoa Pebbles are not FLAKES at all (ew!). THESE... are Pebbles cereal: I would pay an exorbitant amount of money to be able to eat a fresh box of these. None of that "Crispy Rice" crap, gimme those delicious Wheat, Corn and Oats! I've petitioned Post multiple times to bring them back as they were, but they won't respond to me. They won't answer my calls, and I'm surely on some manner of list at this point. That is all. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
  2. Oh you can swear, that's no prob. Fuck fuckity fuck fuck! I appreciate the way a little swearing can liven up a conversation. The rest of your point made here however is indeed well made and exactly what I was getting at. The thread has been derailed, let's take it back on course as best we can. I've no problem with people popping in saying hi and then disappearing forever, either, it's whatever. But the thread was in serious danger of going far enough off the rails that it had to be quashed. @the_wizard_666 I appreciate the compliment by the way. It means a lot to hear the positivity. The fact is, this is *a community*. If a bunch of new guys pop in and start upsetting the balance we've worked so hard on, well, the handful of private messages I received simply made it clear that I had to step in. I've provided an alt. I'd be happy to see ALL of these people stick around. Seriously! But we'll need to keep the vulgarity down, keep the threads as in line with their intent as we can, and if you wanna bro it up in a group PM or a private club, that's an option! Seriously, PM each other! I hope you've already started to do so, I'd be glad to know that even if for one day the old group got together to shoot the shit. As for this thread, best as we can, back on the rails please, everyone.
  3. Yo Canadian Fruity Pebbles were simply better, and so by leagues. I miss them so much.
  4. Yeah this is that kind of inappropriate I was talking about. Quit it.
  5. This has been super fun, honestly, to watch unfold. And I get it, I truly do. There's years of pent-up... feelings. And that's cool, as I've said. Air it out! It's healthy and encouraged. We're not about censoring thoughts here. There's a definite buddy thing that I know some of the uh... newer members here... have. If I'm sitting with my buds and playing games I'm definitely gonna riff on em, and I appreciate that friendly crassness that people can have. We're pretty lenient I think, especially in times like these. And this isn't the kiddie pool where everyone has to mind their language too hard. But I do want to make sure it's clear - harassment isn't gonna be tolerated, and I WOULD appreciate if we didn't get TOO comfortable with our general language. We want people to feel that VGS is an inviting place to hang out. That's honestly it. If you wanna be fully open in your language etc. I'd encourage a group PM. You can add people to PMs here on VGS and those are entirely private, unless someone reports harassment or something illegal going on in PMs. We'll never look at whatever you PM each other as your privacy is important to us. So if it's catch-up with old pals time, that might be the best place for it. I'd remind everyone also that this is specifically the Heritage Auctions thread. It'll have to get back on track at some point so please bear that in mind. Thanks all. Off to Tim's!
  6. BEEP BEEP! I am putting a hold on the conversation for like 3 minutes while I type up a quickie statement. Please wait patiently while I do so. I legit was gonna go to Timmies but y'all done made me stick around. So sit tight and hold on please.
  7. Yo I'm going to Tim Horton's don't do anything bannable while I'm gone.
  8. Fyi, the GVN collection tracker looks to be working again.
  9. It's like Beetlejuice or Candyman. Say the name thrice, they pop up!
  10. I'll parrot others and say I'm glad of this too, even if he and I might have argued once or twice. Self-improvement should always be respected and I'm happy for him.
  11. All the scores I've seen haven't impressed me enough to bother.
  12. I am not, no. I'm doing routing on a Spec Ops: The Line speedrun.
  13. Something something VGS... Something consent something... Unless...?
  14. I really wanted to respond to this by swearing at you, as a joke, but I can't bring myself to do it.
  15. Indy Racing 2000 is done! There were no requirements listed so I got 1st place in a championship. 11 races. You have to play near perfect for all 11 races so this one was kinda tough. Also pretty frustrating, the controls are really sensitive.
  16. Fuckin love this game. Prob an 8 or 9 realistically.
  17. I feel like posting a photo in this thread would be just asking for trouble lol.
  18. I keep glancing at my phone and I have like 10+ notifications every time. It's really distracting!
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