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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Bro you're quoting something from 3 hours ago. May as well try chatting with the Mayans.
  2. I don't know of anyone who's not here because he is. As I've said - clean slate. @Tanooki has been a totally fine member of VGS as far as I've seen. What's past is past and he's entitled to his opinion whether you or I or anyone disagrees or not. That's the beauty IMO - he should be able to express his opinion even on this without fear of being banned for that opinion. He's certainly not hurting anyone by having an unpopular opinion, and I personally feel that it livens the place up.
  3. Hey all, I'm gonna play N64 for a bit. Can we all agree to not be shitty to each other for my sake, for like an hour? These games won't beat themselves. Thanks!
  4. Nay. You can view the content on this page however: https://www.videogamesage.com/ourpicks/ It's a relatively new feature but we're working on getting more use out of it. Also anything on there is also shared to Twitter, if you wanna follow our Twitter account.
  5. I... I did it... It's over! Aidyn Chronicles has been completed! 43 hours total, though a few might have been "afk" time. I actually grew to really like the game. It's a fuckin WEIRD game, but it's honestly pretty decent. I'll be playing this again for sure.
  6. I've basically paused on collecting games that came in cardboard. I'll be more than happy to see a burst bubble if it happens, get these games back down to affordable and my collection will grow again. For now I'm working on the still semi affordable systems, like ps2/3.
  7. I appreciate the suggestion regardless! Feel free to keep em coming.
  8. I'm a bit wary of a charm for an "event" which requires a buy-in and has nothing to do with video games. Personally anyway.
  9. Try doing it from an "I have to slap people around if they attack each other" standpoint. Please guys, we need some sleep! @spacepup has dogs to take care of! A family to feed!
  10. I joined NA in 2017, and I became a staff member at the ass-end of it all collapsing. I have respect for the people I worked with to get VGS started. You can bet your shiny metal ass though that I don't personally give anything resembling a single damn about "respected member of the community". I respect the people who I saw working hard to keep NA afloat when it was crumbling, with zero help from the dude who owned the site. That is to say, I dunno who's right or wrong here about this whole history of censoring or whatever. I can't say who I believe cuz I dunno what or who to believe in it. NA had a well-known history in other circles of being elitist, exclusionary, and censoring. I wish no such thing for VGS - if anyone thinks I or we are censoring things or shitting on people for their beliefs then lemme know, we'll try to sort it out. I look at VGS as a fresh start for a gaming community that was on its last legs. This stands for people who were even banned or left NA for one reason or another. @Zach - to you specifically: I sense some history and bad blood. I'm fine with that. Heck, let it out man. I'm not stupid - you joined up this monday with the pretty clear intent to talk in this thread and probably, honestly, to shit on NA and members who you feel did you wrong in the past. Honestly? Cool man. You feel that this was all a long time coming and that this is maybe some sort of retribution or whatever. You're entitled to your thoughts, and I have no problem with you airing them out. Harassing people as I've said is pretty strictly not allowed, but you seem to have cooled it there, so cool. All I can hope for is that maybe you're here doing it cuz you actually care about either gaming in general, or the community at large. Worst case, you're here to get your rocks off shitting on NA and get banned for harassing people. Or you can pivot and be part of the greater community when the dust settles. I'm always happy to see conflicting views, myself.
  11. Attack was the wrong word, just typing in between doing work. Harping on, I guess would be better. Like yeah he probably didn't. But like, THAT line of questioning sounds like the jealous type. Of all the questions I've seen in the thread that one seems the most pointless I think. How he got his collection is really beside the point, considering he had at least the bulk of it prior to Wata being a thing. Just doesn't really seem relevant to the conversation at hand.
  12. Ok sure, fine, let's assume you're right. So? What do you think the 17 year old was doing? His parents were buying him stuff? So what? I'd have killed to have had nice parents like that, supporting my hobby. What's so wrong with that? Just seems like a weird thing to attack, considering, you know... all the rest of the stuff.
  13. Video games were what, like $2-5 a pop at the time? It's not unheard of for a 15 year old to have a paper route or whatever. It's conceivable that on a part time job you could go to Yard sales in the 2000s and buy games regularly at what we'd today consider to be incredible steals.
  14. Interpretation, I think. Let's consider the whole frame, as well as that he's using footage that is taken from elsewhere. "...it honestly sickens me that these people...": I don't believe he's got any issue with graded or slabbed in general games. He calls them cherished possessions! Further, one of the guys he recommends following collects graded games; he seems to be doing so out of an interest in the hobby of it however, whereas the dentist who's being touted as the most dedicated collector of video games ever is on record stating that he's recognized this as a speculative market bubble that he wants to get in on the ground floor of. When this man points at his "collection" he's pointing at dollar signs, unlike someone like, say, yourself who I see regularly on Instagram sharing details of your history with the titles. This dentist dude didn't know that video games were a THING a few years ago, according to him.
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