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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Jone claims it's after the 51 minute mark, however he never actually says he hates grading games. He feels it's disgusting that people have turned the hobby into a money scheme. Link to 51 minutes here: @jonebone if you wanna clarify what quote you're referring to that'd be cool, as I can't personally agree that he has any agenda or anything at all against grading games. Likely if you spoke to him he'd probably have nothing against the preservation aspects of doing so, based on my knowledge of him (years of watching his channel / following his speedrunning journey).
  2. Let's not tell people to fuck off or call people cancer. We can be civil here and not throw dirt. Jone's either sharing his genuine opinion, or trying to pump the market. Maybe both? In EITHER case, he's a user on this forum and we have a no harassment policy. You can disagree with him, but no attacks. Consider this a friendly warning. I'll happily protect your ability to argue with Jone and others all day, you can disagree and say that companies are manipulating markets, all that's fine. But don't personally attack people. Aside, Jone makes GOOD points. I don't like grading myself, but his point about Karl not reaching out to the people he's pointing the finger at to get their take is a fair one, and not something I initially considered. I DO like Karl's style of simply presenting the facts in a pretty unbiased way. Counter to Jone's argument, it's probably good that Karl doesn't go into his personal distaste for grading games until the last few minutes, so the rest can be taken at face value and you can form your own opinions. I'll say however that Karl Jobst is certainly very far from being a collector in the same vein as most people here on VGS; if he doesn't like grading games, it's probably from a purely speculative mindset, he doesn't (to my knowledge) have any horses in the game at all.
  3. The real scam nobody is talking about is how I market manipulated VGS Likes by closing down the threads people made and redirecting them to my own post of the video in this thread. Classic abuse of power, I'm all about those Likes! Please someone like me...
  4. Donated by the generous @JVOSS, we're auctioning off this cartridge copy of Trip World for the Game Boy! Winning bid will go directly to VGS to fund keeping the site running, event prizing, and the like. This is your chance to both support the site, and probably get a good deal! Note that this is the Japanese version of the game (Not the EU version; no NA version was released). See photos at the end of this post. Current High Bid: Alder @ $185 Rules: You must have been a member on VGS prior to this post going live Bids are in USD Starting bid of $100 No editing bids; make a new post if you want to bid a different amount The auction will end at 10pm EST next Friday, Sept. 3rd The highest bid at the auction end time will be considered the winner The winner will be asked to deposit their winning bid through the VGS donation page here: https://www.videogamesage.com/clients/donations/ We'll be using the site's donation page for the winning bid simply for ease of transaction. I'll ask the winner to share with me their shipping address, and the game will get shipped to you out of the States. Bidding is open to anyone who would like to bid, regardless of where you are on the globe. Any questions at all feel free to ask!
  5. It's best to keep an ongoing list of the games you're looking to pick up. Always add to it. Often all it takes to get me on ebay is someone saying "this game is fun!" on a youtube video, so I can see it. We don't all know every game out there, and playing games that are old yet new to us is exciting cuz you never know when you might find a new favorite. Sometimes I see a video and go "OH I remember that game! I wonder if it's a reasonable price right now..." and I can't be the only one. I think it's just natural.
  6. That was just @Californication having a laugh.
  7. I've been watching Breaking Bad. I've seen clips before from my wife watching it but I've never sat and invested the time to watch it myself all the way through.
  8. It certainly LOOKED like they had anyway. They were "almost ready to release" their game price guide 2 years ago. Also they moved directly into posters before finishing games. Granted, they can multitask, but Gocollect is a pretty SMALL team, last I checked. At the least, GVN is dead in the water. I don't WANT to shit all over the company by any means. But they've not done anything for the site in a while. New games aren't being added. The Collection Tracker has been down for days. If it was a priority they'd have alerts in place for this sort of thing, and they'd be on top of it.
  9. Fair enough. I'd contact them through the form on their site to tell them it's down. I doubt they have an eye on it tbh. Basically bottom of the priority list for them, GoCollect has moved on from games. I'd also use a different tool to track your collection, if/when you get your data back. There should be an export as csv tool on the site, last I checked.
  10. Main site seems fine, but the collection tracker is dead.
  11. He seems to be a genuinely good guy! I've not been following him quite that long but I've watched him for a good while now and he's definitely grown and growing! I'm looking forward to more from him.
  12. The video's already being shared all over the place. Karl Jobst is very well known in the growing speedrunning community, and his videos in general are well respected. He has taken on Billy Mitchell previously. See: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-victims-of-billy-mitchells-lawsuits
  13. Let's not post receipts from PayPal with the receipt ID. That is supposed to be private for the buyer/seller, so you can reference it when contacting PayPal support. It's not cool to share publicly information like that which could potentially be used to contact PP support under the guise of the buyer, no matter who they are.
  14. There's a HA thread, and this video was posted there (by me) earlier today: Not my intention to shut down discussion, just keep the forum clean and focused. Thanks for sharing!
  15. I posted this in the HA thread: Aside: @Californication there's nothing "fake" about any of this. Karl goes into great detail providing proof and references throughout. Anyway; closing this since there's a HA discussion and the video was shared there. I don't think we need a new topic on these people every time something happens.
  16. I was pretty sure it borrowed logic from another game. I could be mistaken however, I'm going off memory here. More than happy to be mistaken in fact. And yeah, @CasualCart, no official physical way to play Blade Buster unfortunately; you'd have to download the ROM. Happily as JR shared above, it's available free on the official page. BB is a caravan shooter, so it's the perfect quick rush - literally takes 5 minutes to clear. It's all about high scores baybeeeeee.
  17. I've already got people complaining there's too many reactions, I dunno if I can make this one happen!
  18. Your reasoning is well thought out and actually aligns quite well with my own thinking. I was vague in my questioning as I didn't want to lead your response in any way; it may surprise you to know that it's actually MY favorite (official) NES Shmup as well. Interestingly, for many of the same reasons as your own (despite NES being nowhere near my favorite console). The only two shmups on the system that beat it for me are Recca and Blade Buster, the former being Famicom exclusive and the latter being a homebrew/hack.
  19. I love Abadox as well, but I'm curious what about it specifically makes it deserving of the top spot? Serious question, not being snarky - how many games have you played, roughly, across all systems and everything?
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