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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. You and me getting kicked off the forum? Worth it.
  2. I'll fuckin' do it - I'll make those the ranks.
  3. I need like, art, and like... rank names and badge names and... I dunno I kinda like being the one guy on the forum with a little cat image and the title "Tester".
  4. This looks good but all these homebrews I've pre-ordered lately... what have you done to me? You're making it way too easy for me to track upcoming and current releases.
  5. We're not so different, you and I.
  6. Who? The Band. The who? No, The Band. Yeah, but who? The Band!
  7. This is super cool man, especially with the photos and all. Thanks for sharing!
  8. 25 hours into Aidyn. Having grown up playing PC RPGs, honestly I actually really like the pace overall. As I've said, it's pretty chill. I like the amount of customization available; I'd actually say this is among the more well thought out RPG leveling systems of the time. Each character has their own static starting stats and levels, and they also grow in each skill at different rates based on what type of character they're intended to be. So for instance a Mage style character might require more XP to level up the "Sword" skill than a Warrior style character, and this is all on a per-character basis. It's really in-depth and I'm actually pretty impressed. It also means you're not LOCKED to a character's archetype, it's just more effort to take them out of their "comfort zone". Rheda for instance is pretty clearly a Mage at the start, but I have her as a quasi-tank sword-mage now, she's really come into her own. The game has honestly grown so much on me, and there was a VERY CLEAR turning point in this. Once I got past the initial grinding that is required at the start of the game (the Erromon Mountains section), the rest has been pretty smooth sailing and fun. The story also, while the dialogue is PISS POOR, is actually somewhat interesting. I feel like they had a good idea but got the coders to type up all the words instead of a proper copy writer. There's gaps and weirdness for sure, but it's surprisingly deep and interesting. I can see how the game can feel daunting for people who've not beaten it, and I'm not really all that close to beating it myself, but honestly if you can get over that hump and are accepting of the generally slow combat (one of my favorite games is the original NES version of Final Fantasy, so I'm fine with this lol), it's honestly really enjoyable. I actually might suggest this game to people.
  9. I've played: Sly Cooper 1, 2, 3, 4 Jak & Daxter 1 No Ratchet & Clank I plan to fix that though; I own them all now so it's just a matter of time.
  10. If we're talking hours logged, easily RPG/MMO. I play a lot of single player RPGs and I love them, but I've dumped over 10,000 hours just between Runescape and Final Fantasy XIV alone. And that's ignoring WoW and MapleStory which I've put similar hours into, but prefer not to talk about lest they pull me back in.
  11. I do not know of this "2020" you speak of. I don't believe that is a thing that exists.
  12. I've caught myself up a fair bit on work, so I gave myself today to play Aidyn. The further I get the more it grows on me. Honestly I feel like it's actually pretty decent. Considering the lack of RPG games on the console, if I was an adult at the time of its release and went with n64 instead of playstation cuz of having kids or something, this would have been a mainstay for me. I'm at Talewok now, just got out of the Dryad Forest. Thinking I'll replace Abrecan with Keelin. I could really use a thief for the party.
  13. I'm like 10 hours into Aidyn. STILL haven't found/killed the Goblin leader at Erromon lol. I'm actually still enjoying just chilling out and playing for bits at a time, but I can see why little me never got to/past this part, the area is a goddamn labyrinth! Beyond the maze-like mountain area, my characters were also entirely incapable of killing most groups upon my arrival, I've had to grind a fair bit, and grinding in this is sloooooowwww.
  14. For sure, I just found it funny that every example provided was invalid lol.
  15. It also predates literally every single 3D platformer in the series' he mentioned, per my post above. Not sure how he thinks Mario 64 expanded upon games that didn't exist yet. Some sort of future vision on Nintendo's part perhaps. Future insight into games published exclusively by their competitors, at that. They have FUTURE SPIES!
  16. Mario 64 (original Japan release): June 23, 1996 Crash Bandicoot: September 9, 1996 Gex (Enter the Gecko - the first non-sidescroller): January 31, 1998 Sonic Adventure (1st actual 3D sonic game): December 23, 1998
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