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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. I personally don't have any horses in any games, whenever I speak on these things I'm purely speaking the facts when I can. I can't stand monopolies, and agree that heritage having one would suck. Goldin can do as they please IMO. At the end of the day, these are businesses we're talking about. They're out to make money. From my perspective however and as I've said before, this group of people have been burnt before by companies coming in and claiming similar things to Goldin. Just wanna help the community, etc.. Does that mean Goldin is full of shit? No, not necessarily. But people here are definitely going to be in a "prove me wrong" stance way before they get into a "yeah sounds legit" stance. I have my own hangups about certain companies, but honestly the only big one is that I don't like Cibs being graded. Sealed, fine, but CIB impacts me personally, and goes against how I feel about playing games. A really nice CIB should still be opened to play the game every once in a while IMO. I totally get slabbing sealed games however, that makes perfect sense to me. Anywho. If anyone here seems butt hurt, I assure you it's not for no reason. From Goldins perspective, I'd try to take it as an opportunity to prove people wrong in a positive way. Now that'd be cool.
  2. Are you saying that through Heritage you could get your games expedited through the grading system at Wata in time for an October auction?
  3. Let's be real - I'm totally being market manipulated! That SM64 sale got me simpin' on the best console around!
  4. A character from a snowboarding game on the N64. >_>
  5. I'd not be surprised if he was told not to post here anymore. These companies like to lurk (Hi! We see you!) and PM the staff on occasion, but never post.
  6. This one comes from a suggestion by user @Ricky Winterborn - we've added Agree and Disagree Reactions for those situations where you either... agree or disagree with something. Previously there wasn't really a non-emotional reaction for these. You could obviously "Like" or "Roll Eyes", or even "Angry", but they had the potential to convey something being a simple stance on a subject. Rolling your eyes at someone feels a bit more personal, where these are intended to be more to the point. So thanks Ricky for the suggestion! Now get out there and start Agreeing to all my posts!
  7. Your privacy is important to us here at VGS. Knowing how people interact with the site with in-depth data can certainly be interesting, and can definitely provide insight into what works and what doesn't, where people find themselves hanging out the most, etc.. That said, the software upon which the community is built does have built-in metrics which are generally sufficient for our purposes. We have the data, no real need to give it to Google too. Google Analytics (via Google Tag Manager) was enabled on the site from the outset in order to help us to learn and grow, but it is in my mind not worth it. While it has provided insights, it's not worth the invisible price, which is Google getting data on us all. I do want to make it clear - having Google Analytics is completely normal. We're going a bit against the grain here because hey - we can! With the support of subscribers and occasional donations, we're more than capable of running this place for a long time. We don't need to number crunch data to make this a success, you've already done that. And together we'll keep making this house a home.
  8. This. Also, to Ted's point - your kids' friends. I'd have a secure lock on the door at the least.
  9. Oh nice so I should go buy some!?!?
  10. I love how "back up, back up!" is censored in this lol. Must have been fun live, nice!
  11. It's good having these polls to go off of, I can easily add people to my personal blacklist.
  12. And my parents will have said precisely the same thing about the Backstreet Boys, old man.
  13. Literally just pop it on while you're doing something else lol. It's music!
  14. Sure, but then what is the difference here? Have you listened to BTS' entire catalogue? Maybe there's some gold in there; gotta turn off your eyes and listen with this stuff IMO. Maybe there's something catchy in there, I dunno, haven't sat and listened.
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