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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Lol totally fair. Yeah, we old now. You right. I do try to stay up to date on new music in general, but this style of music is specifically targeted at younger kids/teens. Obviously I am not that, so it's outside of my general range.
  2. I mean it's not like it's much different from anything else that's come before. Backstreet Boys and Nsync, Spice Girls, we've been here before in our time.
  3. Good shout to Ketsui, it's up there for me as well. I love shooters and it's a great one, but I am by no means a floating mass of absolute perfection so I'll never see the true ending myself.
  4. Lol. Post count will still... count. But it'll not be the only thing counting. It'll be more robust!
  5. Odd, it's supposed to award it automagically. I'll take a look.
  6. Quote me, roughly once a month for the last 2 years.
  7. Alright you've convinced me. Time to slab my shit and get rich. xD
  8. Ugh, thanks for bringing back THAT memory! Silly bun lol, ruining my controllers. Good of you to remember lmao.
  9. Hmmm been a hot minute since I last played this. Wonder if I still got it.
  10. What's that? We're talking about MAGIC THE GATHERING!? You're saying I should start building decks again? Collecting power nine? I had em once I can get em again? OK if you say so... (totally not addicted)
  11. As long as it doesn't taste like feet, yeah.
  12. I'm dying of starvation over here.
  13. Ah SHIT! He used the "my truth" card. You win this round, liberals!
  14. It's slow going on Aidyn (it's a slow game!). I'm at Erromon now, gotta go talk to the king. I don't get much N64 time with work lately, but I'm trudging through when I can.
  15. Give it a few generations and kids won't know or care which box is which.
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