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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. And "Bonus Stage" doesn't mean "Stage you can't die in". Again with the arguments supporting my side, all with a smug smile.
  2. Huh, that's weird. Maybe I should trust you over Oxford.
  3. And AGAIN - all of that really doesn't matter. Some people (most, probably) consider extra content in a video game to be "good" content. The Bonus Stage in TMNT is STILL a "Bonus Stage" by the very definition you've provided. There's nothing at all about it that makes it incorrect in any way. It's totally ok that you're not great at video games, plenty of people have trouble with them. A tough game like Ninja Turtles I can totally understand you dying on the bonus stage, nothing to be ashamed of man.
  4. It IS all about the subtle nuances, which you've... chosen to ignore? xD Leaning one way or the other does not make a steadfast rule. You're literally making arguments for my side and then smiling all smug about it like you one-upped me lol.
  5. This is the true crux of it regardless of semantics on the verbiage.
  6. Let's take "plus" as an example. You might think it's inherently positive. Surely it can't be negative. It's plus! "Five killed plus twelve injured today in a highway pileup". Tell me you don't teach English.
  7. Bonus is an adjective. It has no inherent positivity nor negativity. The positive or negative nature of a sentence depends upon a pairing of subject and context.
  8. Meet me out behind the school at lunch, by the flag pole. Your bonus punches just got upgraded to bonus kicks!
  9. Next time I see you I'll give you a punch in the arm, and include two bonus punches to the gut. Tell me the word is inherently positive after that.
  10. Even more strongly disagree than your disagree. Bonus is being used solely as an adjective. A bonus STAGE. Even by your own very literal (and outdated) interpretation, a Bonus Stage only has to be a "good stage". That's ignoring that we're speaking English here, and while term history can be interesting, it's not all encompassing, language evolves. And as I say even without evolution, if we were speaking Latin right now, I'd still be subjectively correct. You're reaching. There's nothing "bad" about a stage which gives you an opportunity to earn more points.
  11. Bonus is really just a synonym for Extra. A normal stage in, say, a platformer is a dangerous place; there's really no reasonable expectation that a bonus stage has to be anything but literally a "bonus" stage. It's just an extra (often hidden or earned) stage.
  12. Yeah once it's full rolled out there'll be an explanation of how it works.
  13. Hey all, just wanted to share that we've completed some routine maintenance on the site. This included a security patch, as well as some new features. First off if you're on mobile (phone etc) you might notice a little popup that says you can add VGS to your home screen. This is a PWA version of the site and is really just a container which you can launch, as it says, from your home screen. It can actually be pretty handy if you're a very regular user on VGS, as it becomes app-like in how it runs, and will be separate from your usual browser tab system. Of course this is all entirely optional and you can just click the little "x" if you don't want it. Further, the latest forum software update came with a new ranking system which we're going to be rolling out. It's similar to the existing badges we have in place now, but more closely tied to your actual forum activity, posting, following content, sharing, likes, etc.. It's pretty robust and I'm excited to dig into it to see what we can do with it. As ever, thanks to all of you for being here, and especially to the subscribers whose support pays for the site. You're directly impacting our ability to keep the site alive and updated for the future!
  14. I listened to that song and found it quite bland.
  15. Too busy kissin' girls to be playin' with your ol' pal Mario.
  16. I was the other way 'round - I played Paper Mario as a kid but never got to play Mario RPG on SNES. Played a few years ago and loooooved it.
  17. HDMI cables are built with straw and a bit of hope.
  18. Hey, I have that same soundbar, and literally yesterday it just up and stopped connecting via HDMI Arc. I have a Samsung TV. I wonder if there was some update or something.
  19. Soon enough my Diablo 2 war chest will be worth millions. MILLIONS!
  20. And bitcoin, for that matter. Hype is not a sustainable commodity.
  21. View Advert Majora's Mask Grey NFR I've been sitting on my hands wondering whether I should try to get one of these for a while, and I figure at this point a question never asked is a question never answered. I have no clue what price might be right now. I'm probably fucked and never gonna own one. But if you have a Grey NFR Majora's Mask that you're looking to offload, maybe we can come to some manner of deal or something. I have some stuff I'd consider decent that I could stand to trade away if I had to, and I have some money set aside. If you have one and DON'T plan to trade/sell it away, if you could even just PM me and give me an idea of the going rate for these, I'd appreciate that too. I'd like to know if it's out of my reach, as much of a shame as that'd be. Advertiser Gloves Date 07/12/2021 Price Category WTB  
  22. I'm just waiting for someone to pop up all like "Yo I have a sealed shipping box of these". You see boxes of sealed games pop up for older systems, and Mario 64 ain't uncommon at all. It's not unfathomable to think there's a box or two lying around somewhere.
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