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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. That's all I had time to squeeze in.
  2. Lol @Sir Centroid bro you went and got the top spot on the leaderboard for basically every single level.
  3. It's almost like all aspects of a game are important or something, and that the coming together of visual, audio, and interactivity are what MAKES video games. Uuuhhhh but graphics aren't important... OF COURSE THEY ARE, FOOL. I LOOK at the game while I play it. Who here doesn't have fond memories of seeing that big bad at the end of Contra blow up? Uuuhhhh music doesn't make a good... OF COURSE IT DOES, FOOL. I bop along to those catchy tunes. Who here doesn't find themselves humming idly to that sweet Zelda music in their heads? Whatever, but the *gameplay* what really... TIES IT ALL TOGETHER, FOOL. OBVIOUSLY gameplay is important, probably the most important, yeah, but each of the elements ELEVATES the others. What even IS this discussion? Can you call it a discussion even? Where am I?
  4. That's happened with some bats and I suddenly had memories rush back to me lol.
  5. I was taught math the old way, common core is a relatively new term to me. That said, I use math daily as I have to problem solve regularly and algorithms and parsing data comes up a lot for me. I HATED math in school, I never got it. After school and in learning programming I've come up with many of my own ways of solving the math problems that I regularly come across, and lo and behold, many of my methods are quite similar to common core methodologies. I WISH that common core was something they taught when I was growing up, I think it's a much broader and more open approach to teaching math which doesn't rely on memorizing algorithms, rather putting the skills of problem solving into the students' hands. I don't know all of common core or anything, I have no real need to go back and learn it today, but all of the videos I've watched and papers I've read on it make it sound really appealing to me. I don't have kids nor am I anywhere near the school system, but as a generally educated adult who uses math regularly, the only reason I can see for anyone complaining about it is that they're old and set in their ways. Again though, I am not "in" this fight, so my knowledge of why anyone would ever complain about it is very surface level. Anyway, I know I'm not the target audience of your thread, but I figured since I've done a fair bit of looking at it I thought I'd share my thoughts. I'll be watching the thread cuz it's something I'm very curious to hear others' thoughts on.
  6. Enjoying Aidyn so far. I honestly don't mind the pace of the battles. I'll probably regret saying that in like 20 hours or so.
  7. Some places it's literally out of the employees hands. You all realize (I hope) that they're bound to the checkout software, right? Especially at a place like Gamestop, they're not just taking off the value as they see fit, they are putting in SKUs which apply a discount based on some logic.
  8. One day we'll have 4Kasual.
  9. Stuck on the couch today from 2nd dose symptoms. Full on flu, basically. Lots of water, Advil, feeling a bit better. But even so, had to take the day off work (and prob tomorrow too). Sucks, I can't stand sitting still.
  10. Yeah, here right? https://www.instagram.com/p/CRCwSoXB10Z/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link What a sham lol.
  11. I'd have to find it, but there was a specific copy that had a printer error on the cover/manual. I forget the terminology, maybe @Hybrid remembers the one I'm talking about. Was just a few months ago.
  12. I'm still sad I couldn't get that misprinted MGS a little while ago. Gutted.
  13. The game doesn't go beyond level 24; it's just a long slog to all 9's from there on: https://www.twingalaxies.com/showthread.php/185456
  14. I rented it as a kid and I liked the look of it, but it was too complicated for my tiny child brain. I always wanted to give it a proper go.
  15. God damn it every time I silently start a game one of you pops in and claims it.
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