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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. I just did a cross-section analysis of the people who have voted so far, and something stood out:
  2. Where on earth do you live that you need an ID just to buy groceries? xD
  3. Your background is clear in that video lol, very cool. I'll be interested in picking up a boxed copy if/when that happens, for sure!
  4. Basically any game from here on that he writes about is going to be in the hundred plus category for a shitty CIB. T_T
  5. What's weird to me is all the shit you all apparently carry around in your wallets. If I'm going to the store for groceries, I have my credit card and nothing else on me. If I have to take transit, I'll have my transit card on me ("Presto" card, here). If I'm buying booze I'll bring my (long expired) drivers license/learner's permit (I never bothered to get a full license). Doctor? Health card and credit card in case I want a snack. Y'all carrying around your entire lives in some very casually losable leather is incomprehensible.
  6. You need to quit pretending you "don't live in" the same world as everyone else. Maybe you had no negative intent with your thought when it was in your head, but you have to accept just like everyone else that what you say out loud (or type on the internet) is read by other people, and is bound by social norms. Calling something a "ripoff" comes with an objectively negative sentiment. It is a negative term, by definition. We're not just seeing what you say and going "Damn, that Code Monkey guy, what a dick". You're actively being negative. Anyway, I think that's enough on the matter; Deadeye posted this thread with an intention and you derailed it. Try to make an effort not to derail threads like that.
  7. Wallet, it's perfectly worthless. Few phone calls w/ the phone I'll still have and the cards are deleted from existence and I have new ones on the way. The wallet itself cost like $10.
  8. I've never seen P&R, but I enjoyed The Office well enough.
  9. You see, I hope, how your coming in and calling it a ripoff makes it sound like you're shitting on it, yeah?
  10. Just FYI, and I know you probably weren't here for it and have no clue what I'm talking about, but this group of people (that is to say, a lot of users on VGS) have heard exactly this before. Right before their home was sorta set ablaze.
  11. Wait... Was I supposed to... PLAY all these games?!
  12. Nothing huge, but I got Pocky and Rocky 2 and EVO Search for Eden cart-only for $20 each like 10 years ago. Sold em both around 2 years ago for just under the general going price at the time.
  13. You can follow pages, and view them here: https://www.videogamesage.com/followed/ As for sharing the list, I don't think there's any way to do so currently. I can look into it.
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