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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Sounds like a fine idea to me, only concern is that December is busy for people, and Secret Santa etc. Maybe plan for a less busy time of year? I get why you'd want it to be end of year though, so just a thought, not a suggestion.
  2. I don't get it man. Don't you all already own Zelda on NES?
  3. What a horrible color scheme lol.
  4. Gloves


    Nothing in the world could get me to click on anything in that email.
  5. Yeah the plan is to HODL lol. I was considering buying some more now that compared to where I bought in earlier it's "on sale".
  6. I bought at like, the worst possible time. xD
  7. Yeah I dropped $250 into BTC and $750 into ETH. I basically look at it like an extremely expensive BINGO card. I expect nothing out of it, but it'll be nice if I get something.
  8. This came in the mail yesterday, very happy with the condition of everything.
  9. Gloves


    Yo I'd take those if you'll ship to me and if it's not an arm and a leg to do so.
  10. I just saw the Sage drawing for this and I think I might die of laughter.
  11. When I lack inspiration, but wanna draw, I pick 5 random pages from a video game wiki and see if anything pops out at me. My current avatar is a drawing I did of an Orange Dye from Runescape. As you can see I took some creative liberty, which was easy as the Dye itself is a rather plain item.
  12. No, I've not experienced anything, and I tend to attribute these stories from people who have to simple ignorance.
  13. Search Pico 8 - for some reason last time my phone removed the 8 lol.
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