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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. I keep thinking you're @Tulpa with a new avatar.
  2. Sensationalist media hyped it up, and when it's not literally magical they're gonna tear it down. It's all about clicks.
  3. I've only played Dragon Warrior.
  4. I... think I have Mario Party on Switch. I'd have to get up and walk a few meters to check.
  5. Voted Among Us, but I see people are actually wanting to play some Sector's Edge, so you could put me in that camp too.
  6. You can't assume that the existence of a transporter guarantees the existence of a replicator. Conservation of mass and all that.
  7. I just didn't need that mental image is all.
  8. "I collect bootlegs and clone consoles! I hate them so much."
  9. Your avatar doesn't look to even be in your own style. Shame. 6/10
  10. FYI you can very easily play Japanese N64 games with a very simple mod to your 64 (dremel/cut some tabs on the inside). People also sell (very cheaply) replacement parts so you don't HAVE to mod/butcher the original parts if that bothers you.
  11. Oh yeah 100%. Not arguing that, just saying in general that not everyone keeps up with these things. If @OptOut says there's a problem I take him at his word, and he has my support regardless of my personal ignorance around the subject matter. I might think maybe it's a bit harsh to go off on John Cena about it, being that he's just a wrestler and I'd really not look to him for anything relating to something like this, and honestly I can imagine that Cena was likely hit from complete left-field if he was suddenly getting hate messages or whatever for saying something as (in his mind) harmful as stating that Taiwan is a country. He likely was told by his PR team "you need to apologize for this, it's a very heated political thing". It's CHINA we're talking about - literally like all big companies literally bow to their every whim. I am at least aware of that (as I say, the Taiwan as a country thing is really all I'm actually ignorant of here, I wasn't aware that that specifically was a point of contention). Anyway, I am no expert as I say. All I know is that Opt is pissed and I feel for him, and he has my support as a friend, again regardless of my own ignorance or opinion.
  12. I'm not American Further to this, I really don't follow your elections aside from "oh nice, a black dude president might happen" or "boy that Trump guy sure sucks, be weird if they voted him in again"; their policies really doesn't come into it for me Lol newspapers and radio
  13. Yeah, really. I have generally no interest in politics or similar. I'm sure I've probably heard a thing or two here and there but it's not been internalized as it has to my mind no direct impact on me personally. It's not exactly a topic of discussion that usually just pops up, and I don't read or watch the news, aside from occasionally looking at Reddit, and even then it's filtered specifically to my interests. Through what medium do you hear about this stuff so often?
  14. He knows more than I do, assuming what he typed out is true. I don't know the first thing about taiwan/China relations. Why is that hard to believe?
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