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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. One thing, if we can all just honestly try to avoid saying hateful things in general, whether under guise of a "character" or not. What I mean is calling people names and the like. You can SO EASILY say "bro you're lying all the time" or "your gameplay has been sketchy as fuck" without being like "you're an asshole dude". I hope you can see the difference, and try to remember that whether you say it's personal or not, sometimes it's hard to not take it personal regardless, and this WILL cause people to not come back. We want to see people playing with us again and again. This isn't a warning, and I don't wanna come off as the language police or anything. This is just me, Gloves, your pal, asking to not shit on each other.
  2. Nice, playing Spyro for the first time is rewarding. Do you tend to complete games like that? I remember getting all the gems and everything last time I played and it was a blast.
  3. Linking to your images on imgur works the charm since there's no size limit when you do so. Regarding the game itself, I am no pro and will let others pop in with their thoughts. Like yourself, it looks fine to me. I'd not know a specific games seal folds and whatnot though, personally. Maybe @AdamW has an idea, if I'm not mixing up names (if I recall, he knows Pokemon).
  4. I've hardly touched a Wii before at all. Attempted to get into Galaxy, didn't like it. Smash, crap. I beat the final boss of Skyward Sword for a friend on my first attempt having never touched the game (or really a Wii in general...) prior, and that was about the extent of my time with the console. I'll skip voting cuz I'm sure there's some fun to be had, but I've just not had it.
  5. This is the trophy and achievement generation. Boot up the game and get a pat on the back for having done so. Dopamine! It's down to a science.
  6. To give you an idea of the type of person asking this: And I don't mean that in a mean way either. We need to collectively ensure that information is out there, easy to obtain, and easy to digest. Informing people who are new to our hobby will pay dividends to all involved, including ourselves.
  7. VGA is fine, people still buy them. As far as value on these goes I am no expert so will defer to others.
  8. It's not exactly the most impressive free game ever, but if you were on the fence with regard to joining us for Among Us game nights PC is honestly the best way to play the game, and it's free from now until June 3rd on the Epic Games store.
  9. It's not scalping, it's investing!
  10. Giv us mo money and we'll work faster, we pwomise! uwu
  11. Gave it an 8 based on my opinion of it when it first came out and when I actually (first) played it. I got the platinum, maxed out the multiplayer, ran game nights with my trophy hunting friends, really played the shit out of it when it was THE thing to be playing. Revisiting it on the PS4 ("HD Remaster") and accounting for the butchering the story took with the sequel soured me on it, but I prefer to remember a game for the time I had with it initially rather than necessarily judge it based on future hindsight.
  12. Honestly I'd just wait it out unless you're really itching to sell. If you're slabbing them for your own collecting/keeping purposes, there's technically no harm in waiting.
  13. Similarly, Cineplex is up here in Canada!
  14. False Alarm is the only song I know of theirs, and I love the music video (and the song itself is pretty alright overall).
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