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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. *taking note of where everyone keeps their wallets for if/when we ever meet in person*
  2. If you've not tried the sequels on account of the first, I highly suggest giving Adventure Island 2 a go.
  3. 7. I much prefer AI2. 3 slightly less than 2.
  4. You can, yes. They use NFC technology - it's common for people to get NFC cards printed for like a buck a piece.
  5. Hey man did you know you can catch Mew if you use Strength on the truck near the SS Anne?
  6. Has it even gone on sale yet? I've seen nothing yet for preorders, at least here in Canada.
  7. You couldn't fast travel from anywhere in the original, so you really lose nothing by not buying the amiibo. I'd consider this more like an expensive cheat code, personally.
  8. What Northern border? The only thing north of me is the Arctic.
  9. So Q: Is this all happening cuz of just the Tesla thing, or has something new happened that I've missed? I know this is volatile and speculation and I'm fine with that, but I'm curious as to why people think it's all on steady decline right now.
  10. I appreciate your asking, regardless of the outcome.
  11. That's a very specific request hah. Unfortunately not, and frankly it'd be a lot of coding just to circumvent the intended use of streams. I'd stick to the "Content I Follow" activity stream, just make a habit of checking that specifically after such a hiatus. If the threads you want to filter to happen to have specific tags on them, you could filter by tag AND "content I follow" in a custom stream.
  12. It's not a first release, it's not gem mint, and it's not a black box Carolamabam Collection Wata 9.5 A++ Left stepbro what are you doing. But it's mine and it's sealed and its the only game I actually intend to keep that way as the game itself means a lot to me. Yes I have a regular ol CIB for playing, too.
  13. It pains me to think that anyone would manually choose to Math.floor() instead of Math.round() on a rating system.
  14. It's just called "GIMP" lol. Not sure they'd like being called "The GIMP". xD
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