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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. We've just added a new way to sign up and/or in to VGS - Twitter! If you are new to the forum you can sign up using you Twitter account: For those of us who already have an account, you can sign into your account on the Account Settings page: https://www.videogamesage.com/settings/ Associating your account makes it so you can log in using your Twitter account (and their external authorization system), as well as make sharing posts to Twitter a bit easier. Something about a little checkbox to share on Twitter when you make a new post or something I dunno. Social media is weird.
  2. I've never touched a Saturn, and likely never will.
  3. The level design. I'm ok with some slowdown (Bloodborne is amazing despite heavy frame drops throughout), I am just not big on poison if I'm being honest lol. There's an enemy that shoots you from a mile away with silent ass darts that poison the shit outta you.
  4. I have one rabbit. Let's not combine homes.
  5. Uuuhhhnnnnnnn fuck yeah Playstation.
  6. That's what I do too but I still HATE IT. xD
  7. I hate em lol. So easy to damage in general, they stand out like a sore thumb on the shelf, and if you get rid of it and then one day wanna sell the game, people are gonna be like "uuuuhhh but the slip caaaase". Reminds me of the stupid damn Japanese PS1 games with their stupid damn cards or whatever that sit outside the case, and people are like "UUUUHHHH THE CAAAARD". FRICK.
  8. Feels like a decent time to buy more.
  9. Honestly, the Fredde computer desk from IKEA is incredible. I bought two, one each for myself and my wife. Our setups are pretty different, but the desk is quite versatile, and it's able to hold up a bunch of figures including a full sized First4Figures statue (Solid Snake) AND my rather heavy monitor (a 32:9 curved display). I'm usually not a big fan of Ikea but that specific desk is really hard to beat.
  10. I'm up 50 right now, though it's a far cry from the 150 it was... A few hours ago... Lol.
  11. Well shit, now I'm curious too lol. Besides that, how does a game with an A+ seal end up with rusted staples?
  12. The way I see it personally is either: It'll keep going up and eventually my collection will be worth so much that I'd be stupid to not get rid of it (let's say quadruple it's current value perhaps), OR This is all temporary due to grading, comics people, and/or pandemic related things, and things go back DOWN (potentially even the proverbial "bubble burst"), at which point, nice - I can start buying things more liberally again. Either way I'm happy. I have my curated collection by and large completed with a few outliers missing here and there, but I'd be satisfied right now if I could never buy another (retro) game due to prices going up.
  13. Sometimes you gotta treat yo self. My wife is vegetarian so I cook a lot of vegetarian things. Gotta take a steak hit here and there.
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