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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Yeaaaahhhhh... I'll give a game 3 hours tops to appeal to me. TOPS.
  2. This is actually my pre-dinner while my wife sleeps. Steak with Montreal Steakhouse style seasoning.
  3. Ah yes, very legal. All strictly above the board. xD
  4. The home page has 2 real purposes: Welcoming new users to the site, and giving them a general idea of what to expect Increasing SEO for the site so more users find us naturally through search The news feed on it serves the 2nd purpose primarily. That same news feed is also available via the main nav on this page (and it has ALL of the news from that feed): https://www.videogamesage.com/ourpicks/ We're 100% planning on keeping the home page and the news feed up to date, and I'm not sure that the home page necessarily needs to be MORE visible, as it IS the literal home page - it's the very root of the site now. I much prefer to use simple language (e.g. "Home") than potentially confusing icons for something like that. That said, the feedback is appreciated and if it gets brought up more we can always adjust.
  5. Really this has just served to remind me that I need to make a big purchase of JP region CIBs regardless. I still love and prefer the box art over there, and wouldn't mind a shelf or two of even some duplicates just for the nice art.
  6. Generally, yeah - you'd want to like, post a single message and hope someone responds or something. If you keep posting over and over in short bursts like this, it fills up peoples' feeds. You need to give others time to catch up. You definitely don't need to PM people (unless you want to), but like... fewer, and more substantial posts would be better in general.
  7. Surely the people browsing Yahoo Japan KNOW this, right? Like I might expect a few of these to fly into the hands of idiots over here in North America, but... over there?
  8. Lol I love the keywords, as ever. If I'm not mistaken - Japanese N64 games don't even come sealed in the first place, right? And aren't these... pretty damn common? Like... I have one in pretty damn mint condition lol.
  9. Could always switch the two purposes. I added a "home" link to get there easily. Maybe I do a poll lol. Someone else do a poll.
  10. On the back of the new home page comes another new feature - Our Picks! This new page will be a full listing of all of the content across the site that we feature on the home page. The latest announcements, contests, events, homebrew releases, anything that's really feature-worthy will be promoted to this page, so give it a look every once in a while to see some catered content. If you feel that something is worthy of being displayed on the home page (and thus also on this new page as well), let a member of the VGS Staff know!
  11. You can see the Sector's Edge functional roadmap here: https://trello.com/b/uL2IKmgI/sectors-edge-roadmap Looks like private lobbies, lobby management, etc. have been added, so I believe we should be able to have a lobby with JUST VGS members this time around.
  12. There, I changed it.
  13. Usually the logo on a site goes to the home page, and that's the home page now. Frankly, I do the same. The choice is either "Update it to use the 'old' logic and point to the forum", or "Get used to the new way and leave as-is, and use the 'Browse' button for the forum landing page". I prefer the latter from a long-term standpoint as that is the typical website behavior. I'd not fight about it however if people wanted it the other way.
  14. So YOU'RE that one guy that looks at sites horizontally on mobile! GUYS I FOUND HIM, GET EM!
  15. Oh yeah, dark mode. >_>
  16. Ah right, forgot to update that after the move. Updated now!
  17. "discover" is an "app" and so will remain at "/discover/<whatever>".
  18. WOO! As we go through updating the site to feel more like home, it made sense to create a new home page. This is the intro to who we are, what you can expect, and is an introduction to the four pillars of the community - Play, Collect, Create, and Buy/Sell. These are now represented by a team of characters beside the Sage, and we're really excited about them as we think they represent those pillars quite well! Another step on making the house a home. Note: The forums are now at https://www.videogamesage.com/forums, so if you've bookmarked VGS, you'd want to update those bookmarks to that link if you don't want to view the home page every time. We do however have a new "Featured" section on the home page, so you can see the latest featured items on there! If you run into any issues or have any feedback please feel free to let us know in this thread, or reach out directly to a member of the staff! Huge thanks to the whole staff for their feedback and helping get this up, and of course to @CasualCart for the art, and @BortLicensePlate for handling both the coding on the new home page, and the design of the UI elements!
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