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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Gloves

    Super Nintendo

    Generally try to make more meaningful posts, and give more air to breathe - let others actually respond to your posts before you repeat yourself or the same sentiment over and over. It needs to be a discussion with the community, not a sound board where you just sorta say stuff into the æther.
  2. Gloves

    Super Nintendo

    @Air Gio you can bump a sale thread once per 24 hours. You need to stop spamming every thread you touch.
  3. I love lifting weights, yeah. Feels good, man.
  4. Let's all remember that Dave is totally entitled to being wrong.
  5. Love enthusiasm, hate spam. That's all. Bigger posts about why you love the system and games would be cool.
  6. I didn't understand half those words.
  7. ETH has done me quite well so far, I'm up I think 12-15% from it.
  8. I'm playing Resident Evil as well, but on PC. Enjoying it so far. Nothing scary, but I love the characters, which is typical of Resident Evil. Certain bits so far are giving me a "we played Outlast 2 and wanna rip it off" vibes, but I can get over that as I love the Outlast games. Specific story beats though that didn't make much sense in that game, copy pasted here, and it still doesn't make sense. I won't say anything to avoid spoilers, suffice to say that your character takes a severe beating in cutscenes and overall doesn't seem all that scathed by it.
  9. I really like when places put french fries on their sandwiches, like a gyro. Especially if the fries are nicely seasoned and there's some nice sauce on there.
  10. Using the Cube Rule logic, we can actually expand Taco Tuesdays to include quite the wide array of food choices!
  11. Just to be clear, while I totally enjoy the conversations around crypto on here, I'd not take any legal or financial advice from literally anybody here on this video game forum. We can chat and people can give you advice and you can take it or leave it of course, but my only ACTUAL suggestion would be to actually call an actual expert on the subject. Often you can get a free quick consultation call out of them, so at least giving that a go should be harmless.
  12. I have a Halo 4 XBox One controller, which was released juuuuuuust before they announced the site where you can literally customize your controllers with 1st party parts, and I was like... I need to get out NOW.
  13. Yeah at least in the semen game everyone is consenting.
  14. A pop tart is a calzone, a hand pie is a calzone, a pizza is toast (they provide it as an example, making this nice and easy for us).
  15. Keep up! I've shifted my logic and am now a vehement believer in the cube rule.
  16. For a second there I was like "ugh come on dude" and then I remembered that it's actually a thing and I shifted my frustration at humanity itself, which made this situation possible.
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