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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Worse - it could be an authentic board in a repro case. Tsk tsk.
  2. Whenever someone mentions Kirby I actually go "kirbybirby" in my head. I now remember why lol. Welcome.
  3. Love the From games, this one was a miss for me. Doesn't have the right feel to it.
  4. I'm so sorry about your Mortal Shell purchase.
  5. I ain't givin' it the respect of calling it by its name anymore. It's a random "p" word from here on.
  6. Lol. Yeah once the panini is behind us I plan to get it done. I've gone this long I can wait a few months to a year to get into the doctor's office. I'm 32, and I was definitely diagnosed during that time when it was "in" to do that.
  7. I feel for ya man. I was diagnosed young as well, so lord knows if that's actually it. Been meaning to get re-checked as an adult.
  8. The hell are you talking about man? I honestly find that I do far better at games in general if I toss on Daft Punk's hit album, Homework.
  9. Lol. I hope you like waiting.
  10. Get far enough in that you have like 10 or so "E" and you should be able to hit "Select" to pull up the powerup menu. While on this menu, move your ship over the powerup you want to enable. "Sheeld" (lol) is the one you want, and it'll make it so any time you get hit (would have died otherwise), it will instead take away 2 "E". A VERY worthwhile trade, if you're not great at dodging in general.
  11. If you're having trouble, make sure you're using shields.
  12. I could go for some Mario Kart, personally. Or I'd not mind trying that Bomberman game.
  13. We actually burn the original files after the images are done being used. Never to be seen again.
  14. How dare you imply that we should follow general forum etiquette and use the specified thread for its intended purpose. Tut tut!
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