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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. I literally just watched that for the first time the other day. Spooky.
  2. You need to pick up the weapons themselves for them to become available. Example:
  3. And it fuckin' BETTER be 1st print (North American release).
  4. You can't possibly get free men at 1x, cuz once you hit 1x, your run ends.
  5. According to the rules it can only happen once, you're overthinking it. The MOMENT your lives reaches 1, you're done.
  6. Let's be real about one thing: the rules here really aren't very "strict" as you call them. Anyone can literally pop in and say "Game X is done" and they will be awarded the game, generally with little or no question. I'd not call that particularly strict, it's very honor system.
  7. I've never played this game prior to today (that I can recall), and I've put about an hour in.
  8. I believe this new score puts me well ahead of the 1st place spot in 2015. Were they even trying back then?
  9. @BeaIank fyi its possible to point press infinitely on the 6th or so boss. I'm going to assume it's against the rules to do so, but it's not explicit right now so will you add that to the rules? The boss with the orange background consisting of 4 ground level bases is infinitely farm able if you just don't use bombs.
  10. Yeah I'm really just sharing my crap scores early game to show people they need to step up. When I make my actual score post I'll @ Bea and actually write the score out.
  11. First attempt; some boss jerk teleported right on top of me, so that's where my run ended.
  12. If we monetize it, we support it. If we support it, we can't shit on it. I never want to be in a position where we can't say "Service X sucks" openly and as much as we want. As it stands, the site runs fine with the revenue from subscribing members, so monetizing stuff isn't really top of mind tbh.
  13. I suppose then, I'm not sure I see the point. The purpose is to let people talk to each other about an item on eBay openly, right? You can do that now in a plethora of ways; post here, any gaming forum, reddit, etc.. There are a few holes. If it's an extension for instance, your only real method of monetization is something like patreon, or charging for the extension itself (good luck getting user buy-in on the latter). If it's an app, you run into typical app nonsense, first of which is its *yet another app* and it has a very specific niche purpose, which relies very heavily on there being many users. You'd have to manage how users find content, I'm having a hard time visualizing exactly how you're envisioning people finding content that needs to be replied to, which is also relevant to them. Would it be limited to just video games? If so, how would you do so? Do you care at all about items that weren't listed properly (example: a video game posted under board games or something)? I don't wanna shit on your thing or anything, I'm just thinking out loud really. Some stuff you may need to consider if you've not already. Naturally I wish you the best if it's something you want to do. I might spitball some more if you're interested in discussing further.
  14. I've never seen it, but I recognize the cover art. It's worried me since the day I first saw it. Disturbing.
  15. Have you considered how something like this could be used as a tool to backdoor people?
  16. Please beat my Haradius score so I have a reason to actually try for a high score.
  17. Yeah, gimme those things. I want those!
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