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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. It's not on the list but figured I'd share anyway, I played through Mario 3D world today. Enjoyed it! Going to play through the Bowser's Fury stuff now.
  2. I'm mostly referring to those who think they're beating the system by not taking the raise to go into the next tax bracket specifically, which is significantly more than anyone who has to worry about that stuff is making.
  3. I have all my funds in a robo investor. Average I get around 7% return; lately it's been more like 13%. Fluctuates though, obviously.
  4. I just have a hard time envisioning a future where bitcoin is THE currency. I get why it should be, I've done that research. And maybe one day it will be, but I'm not sure we'll see it in our lifetime. Look at how many things get held up by old dudes, tradition, religion, the list goes on. If I could feel confident in it becoming THE currency, I'd be all in right now.
  5. It's at the point honestly where I I don't see it being like, potentially life altering or anything. I'd have to start basically investing fully in it, and hope for another random 10x increase way later. I can probably put like 3k a month into it, but it still feels like a bit of a gamble. A 10x increase right this instant wouldn't really do much for me.
  6. The amount of people who refuse raises because "I'll get taxed more and end up making less!" is astounding, and depressing considering you should know how this shit works. It's really really basic stuff.
  7. If you're mashing buttons in any modern fighting came, you're not going to be winning a lot unless you only play against your friends who don't play fighting games. They're all significantly deeper than that.
  8. I've been thinking about these folded boxes and I've grown curious what prices might look like on them. Honestly I'd be very interested in picking some up to actually frame in shadow boxes along with the cart/manual. If anyone would consider selling, I'd buy certain ones for a decent price for sure.
  9. If everyone had the same understanding of the terminology you'd never have brought it up when it came up. I'd say it's one of those things you should probably just go "I know what he's talking about, I'm not going to worry about the specific terms used in this situation" and move on. But you chose to get semantic about it, and so here we are lol.
  10. You don't really get to say "now we're just talking semantics" when earlier in the thread you made a big deal about the usage of "ethnicity" vs "race".
  11. I just wanna make sure it's clear, I bought all this bitcoin because you all made me do it, and now I'm down like 40 bucks. The people responsible will soon be held to blame and punished.
  12. Ah yes, taxes. The enemy of the American people. xD
  13. You kids and your badges.
  14. @fcgamer @Code Monkey They state openly on their site that the inspo for their name was Bruce Lee: https://www.watagames.com/who-we-are It's based on this: So I mean yeah... they're kinda making their name based on the way he says the word, as an Asian man (Chinese American). Racism? Harmless homage? I mean it clearly comes from a place of respect for the man.
  15. It literally snowed today, so actually that may have been a viable option.
  16. This is the forum with many people with pretty wildly varying opinions.
  17. My freezer isn't currently cold enough to keep my ice cream cold, so unfortunately the Buster Bars that I bought have all melted. True story.
  18. To be fair it is just a box. *glances at shelf of expensive boxes* Oh.
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