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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Lunch. Time to get a move on. I'll note that I'm an incredibly slow reader. This may well be the only book I read all year. Maybe with some encouraging words from some friends I might get it done in a timely manner.
  2. If it's the post I think you're referring to I'm not sure it's exactly a once in a lifetime listing.
  3. @DefaultGen This might actually be my favorite video ever lol.
  4. I'd like to remind everyone that while we (used to?) have direct access to @Magus on here, VGS is not tech support for GameValueNow, or GoCollect. If you're not already doing so I'd suggest reaching out to them directly for answers rather than posting in here, as you're likely just talking to a wall. It sucks, but I wanna make sure you're all getting the support you need if I can help it at all, and it's not going to come from this thread by the looks of it.
  5. Why is your kitty drinking beer?
  6. We've had a few with poppies I believe, yeah. At LEAST one.
  7. 2012 was the last year with pennies.
  8. That's what we do here in Canada. We don't have pennies anymore.
  9. Well now I feel like an idiot for selling mine 2-3 years ago.
  10. As I say in the other thread, 1 selling and 1 buying thread, please. I've locked the others.
  11. Accountabili-who? Never heard of 'em.
  12. It's a culture thing, mostly based from the UK apparently. I could always flip the site upside down again if you prefer.
  13. Certainly less disruptive lol. E: Eeeeehhhh maybe not xD
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