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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Sigma Star Saga is pretty fun, I'm still looking for a nice CIB myself.
  2. Got these in the mail today; the Sunshine Saga is over, I can play the game! Thanks @Renmauzo!
  3. This is what I do, and I do suggest it. Sadly many websites have pretty shit proprietary password logic which makes me concerned for their overall security, such as "No special characters" or "Between 8 and 16 characters", or the dreaded "At least 1 capital letter, one number, and 1 special character". I get what they're going for, but it creates a need for layman users to create memorable passwords which incorporate forced "security" logic and leads to passwords like "!Password1", which is incredibly easy to crack. Where I can help it, most of my passwords look something like this: hfqN!niKHP@zRE9Gg3a79NhF6oQzNPASB9y&@NbB
  4. The spaces are there for legibility, don't go out of your way to remove them. Use A list Like this If you want to do Something like that.
  5. Mmmmmm Earthworm Jim.
  6. I can only mirror what others have already said - you have my condolences, and know that we as a community are here for you if you need anything at all. I'm really sorry that you have to go through this.
  7. RE2 is one of my favorite games, but the N64 honestly doesn't do it justice. If you can stand to do so I'd suggest getting a playthrough in for this thread and then revisiting it later on PS1. That said, it IS impressive what they DID manage to do w/ the cartridge. Play both characters one way or the other.
  8. https://clips.twitch.tv/StylishGrossEchidnaGOWSkull-2OqsObR-jkzQmD7R
  9. Their friends aren't pointing them to eBay, and are likely even touting how HA is THE place to make such transactions securely and without hassle.
  10. Lol imagine ripping off AtariAges naming schema. Pathetic.
  11. I've done it with every weapon, yeah. I won't spoil anything but you can make the game harder, too. I've done so w/ each weapon.
  12. I love this game. Definitely going to pick up a physical copy. I've cleared it around 50 times now.
  13. For you, from now on, yes.
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