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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. I might give up on Mortal Shell, really just not enjoying it. I've started playing Shining Tears on PS2, my first time playing something from the Shining series. So far it's rather cliche with the "Mysterious stranger with amnesia has mystical powers" storyline, but maybe it gets better. The combat seems like it'll be alright, and I do like the art style.
  2. Sadly not enjoying Mortal Shell as much as I'd hoped I would. The combat is plodding and definitely shows its humbly small dev teams shortcomings compared to the masters.
  3. I have come home at last! This is my real country! I belong here. This is the land I have been looking for all my life, though I never knew it till now . . . Come further up, come further in! The above is a generally accepted usage of the word "further", and aligns well with your example. So the writing in that game at least in that regard mirrors the quality of CS Lewis.
  4. Further and farther are interchangeable enough that it doesn't matter. There are usage guides on the internet, but they are not infallible by any stretch; the beauty of language, especially that of English, is that it is ever-evolving. As for how these things get by testing, that's an easy answer - the terminology used in your example is an acceptable one. How ACTUAL mistakes make it through, however, is that they're too busy making a game to worry about necessarily always being perfect in every tiny detail. Copy mistakes are easy to make, often go through many revisions, pass many hands, and each step of the way is a human prone to error.
  5. Yeah I work directly with some really damn smart engineers, and the last thing most give a shit about is the occasional spelling mistake. Too busy actually making shit to worry about petty BS.
  6. Please look forward to me pointing out every spelling and grammar mistake you make from here on.
  7. Just finished up Maid of Sker. It was ok. A tad bland, and really not scary at all. A few cheap jump scares. That said, I liked the overall idea of it. Story was alright.
  8. Disc rot doesn't really like, just happen. You gotta be storing that shit in a basket in your garage or attic. You're doing your games dirty at that point.
  9. I've certainly gained some weight, but I'm not worrying too hard about it. I'm around 200lbs, up from 180. Might be 210, as I've not checked in a bit. I've personally prioritized specific things to help me get through the pastrami with my mental health in check.
  10. Started up Maid of Sker last night before bed. Not really scary at all, but I do enjoy a little bit of puzzle and exploration horror, so I'm getting what I expected. It's very video game-y, so some atmosphere is lost for that. The opening had some gorgeous scenery, then they made it dark and night time and stuck me in a house and that all went away lol.
  11. Hey don't fret too hard, I've not touched a number of classics myself. How bout you play Banjo and I'll play something classic I've never played. Pinky swear.
  12. He also appears in Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie, and Banjo Pilot.
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