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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Considering that they don't grade everything, I have no issue with their false advertising hurting them, as it should. Short term however, it's proven not to.
  2. I was just using the example provided. Obviously many experts more local to key regions would be preferable. Perhaps even having a storefront could be a boon, as well as a point of difference.
  3. The market is plenty mature, it's simply seeing a bump, similar to something like Bitcoin right now (though retro games is significantly more mature). I can easily right now say "I have 1 BTC, that is worth 70k today", whereas my only answer to an insurance company regarding my game collection is "I have around $XX in games, according to average weighted valuations on this website you've never heard of". Will valuations change, and quickly so? Yeah, absolutely. But at the very least if I had a number from a recognized professional to give to the insurance company, I'd not be totally fucked if my basement apartment gets flooded or set aflame.
  4. Honestly, as I've said quite early on in this thread - I am anti-slabbing CIBs. BUT, an appraisal service would be incredibly appealing to me. I have money in-hand ready to go if someone can provide that to me, literally right now.
  5. Keep in mind: It's not JUST a person you're sending to grade. If you're going to grade games, you're going to slab the games. They'd have to bring the slabs, and they'd need to KNOW ahead of time how many of each type to bring. This isn't just a $300 2-way plane ticket. That said, as I say, a straight up APPRAISAL service would be amazing. Maybe a grading service with a time/date of grade for purely appraisal services, and no slab. The current existing market wants their games slabbed so they can sell them. I and I'm sure others however exist in a whole new, currently (to my knowledge) untapped market which actually intends to KEEP their games FOR LIFE, but would be devastated in case of, say, a flood.
  6. This is a service I could get behind. I've been talking to insurance agencies lately about insuring my collection and a point of contention has been "who is the authority on the value of these items, and have your items been appraised?". I ain't boutta send out my entire collection to get appraised.
  7. Lol I have a bunch of these sealed lying around somewhere. I think they're sealed anyway; came in a pack or something.
  8. I've only played the first and very briefly so, so I can't say. Sad.
  9. Did he actually "participate in a contest" though, explicitly? Or was this just a random "I'm giving this away" kinda deal? See, where you're wrong is Bea can TOTALLY take a week off. Will it upset some people? Sure, maybe. But it's whatever - she's running the contest purely on a volunteer basis. The dude giving away the NES, to my knowledge, didn't have like a "sign up here specifically to win this prize", it looks to have been an "I am giving this away to a Patreon supporter as a kind gesture" situation. It really boils down to "did he sign up to win a contest, or was the guy just giving away a thing?". If I make an announcement here on VGS saying that you won a prize, and then I sent out an email to you saying "hey you won a prize" and then you ghost me for a month... yeah it's probably going to someone else. That's... how giveaways usually work. I build contest websites for big companies and there's ALWAYS a rules & regulations page with stipulations like this. If you ghost the giveaway, you're SOL, and rightly so - they can't be expected to sit on your prize indefinitely.
  10. I'm no good at beat em ups but I'm still pretty down for this.
  11. My answer, though jovial, IS scientific and to the point. If you want the ULTIMATE safety for your games/boxes, stick em in a dark room. Preferably zero light. You literally asked if such a thing exists as a light source with zero damaging effects, or if that's "paradoxical". The "fact" that I "must" turn the lights on is not a fact at all - if my primary concern is to not damage my games in any way whatsoever, then they are going to need to go into a light-free vault, climate controlled.
  12. Maybe he never responded because he "never checks his email". Honestly knowing that you GOT an email and simply never read it, I feel like dude did his due diligence. You can't on one hand say "I don't check my email" and then on the other hand complain that dude didn't respond to your email. Hold yourself to the same standard if you're gonna complain about the dude.
  13. Just live in a dark basement and never turn on the lights, like me.
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