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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Have been playing the new patch for Baldur's Gate 3 and am enjoying the Druid class a lot. So far it's actually my favorite of those in the game, very fun class.
  2. Sure there is - making you money. "I didn't earn it" doesn't cut it for me in this instance, as if you recognize an expensive game being sold for cheap, hey that's your experience and knowledge paying off. As for leaving it for some other lucky collector, this is naive: some thrifter is gonna pop by shortly after you and buy it to sell it, you're only ripping yourself off, and needlessly so.
  3. Ah, your wording was a bit misleading. You didn't specify that it was a game a person was actively looking for, only that it was a game for a console they collect for. Your original statement sounded like you were full stop discounting the concept of duplicates and people who don't go for full sets. I collect ps2, but if I find a deal on a dot.hack game, I'm gonna pick it up and sell it. I don't like those games, so I don't have any intention of keeping any that I obtain.
  4. I don't understand this statement. You're saying that if I come across an expensive PS2 game (I collect PS2) for an absolutely steal (say, a $500 game for $20), pick it up, then sell it for $500, I'm not a collector? Or am I misunderstanding you?
  5. View Advert Pokemon Pinball Ruby & Sapphire Sealed Toss me a pm with an offer if interested. If you want more photos I can take more, just let me know what you want to see. Advertiser Gloves Date 03/07/2021 Price Category FS / FO / FT  
  6. There are PLENTY of people (like myself) who collect CIB because they like the whole experience - grab the box off the shelf, take out the game (and manual!), pop it in and play. I don't wanna sit with my phone at my side to look up tips and tricks on the best party comp for Final Fantasy, I want to figure it out for myself based on the information available the day it came out if you just bought the game (some people will also use paper guides, but not too dissimilar to myself). I play my games regularly, and they are ALL CIB. They're on my shelves for show, yes, but they are all 100% functional and many of them get regular use, including the cardboard and paper. I want to own functional copies of original hardware, as they'd have looked on a store shelf as much as possible. The eventual goal for me personally being that I'd love to have a basement one day filled with rows of games like you'd see going into Blockbuster, covers out for the world to see. It's a dream of mine to have friends over and invite them to pick a game to play, and my hope is that it will indeed bring back those memories of looking at game covers in a store to find one to take home and play. I consider myself lucky to have picked up the games that I have prior to last year. My collection still cost me basically an arm and a leg (I started collecting cardboard in 2017, and only really got around to the more expensive stuff in 2018/19). I beat the "boom" of last year and most of the year prior, but by no means did I get my CIBs for the $10 that a lot of people here have. My collection isn't an investment for me, it's a childhood dream.
  7. What we really need is a grading company based in Canada. It's so restrictively expensive getting anything graded from here, as I have to pay out the ass for shipping, and then getting my game(s) back I'm gonna pay significant customs (on my own stuff that originated here!). I'm talking at least an extra $100 of fees.
  8. Back in my day if you wanted custom music you'd just turn on your CD player.
  9. Modern gaming strikes again. Went to play Maid of Sker and none of my PS4 controllers were charged. Rip.
  10. Been a bit distracted with work and Runescape, but I actually finished 2 games today (one not on the list). Demon's Tier+ on Vita was pretty fun, ended up getting the platinum trophy (just had to beat the relatively short game 3 times). I've also been playing and just finished Rage 2 since it was free on Epic Games (pc). I might take a break from Runescape for a bit to play some games. I've been stuck grinding a specific boss for a while now, RNG has not been my friend.
  11. Yeah that'd fall under the douchiness category for sure. All types of collectors are welcome here. Jerks, on the other hand...
  12. I don't think anyone here really dislikes graded collectors. It's the smarmy cocky "better than you" attitude that some of them have that turns people off, and that doesn't seem to be you. I honestly think this is a very inclusive place, with a low tolerance for douchiness, and a general distaste for those who see the hobby as solely an investment opportunity. With regard to people knowing you, that's on you! Post more! If you have cool shit to show off, I'm certainly interested to see it. Maybe consider participating in events like our biweekly game nights, we're not all bad.
  13. The 1hp variant was the first print, 2hp came later. It's on the back of the box; noted that they updated it by adding "points" to "hit points" for the newer boxes; players' stats are also changed:
  14. Honestly you're just not providing enough information for anyone to trust you, as I have said (IMO). Indiegogo makes no promises or protections whatsoever for our money when contributing. Anyone donating to you right now is doing so based SOLELY on your website, which frankly isn't anything to go by. Pie in the sky dreams of quick turnarounds with no evidence or public strategy. Nothing even like "We have dozens of qualified and highly trained graders at the ready to handle the process", nor "This is what our boxes look like". You're providing NOTHING with regard to proof of concept. If anyone backs you at this stage it's based on nothing but pure blind trust.
  15. Still slowly working on Rage 2. Nearing the end.
  16. I assure you, prices rising here in the west have next to zero impact on @OptOut. Dude collects Hello Kitty carts.
  17. Considering he did it based on Patreon sub number, that's a serious dick move - he could EASILY have emailed you that you won.
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