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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. A few standouts for me that I don't think I see mentioned yet. Not necessarily Exclusives, but frankly who cares, just cuz a game is multi platform doesn't mean it's not worth owning on PS3. Plenty of good games were multi plat. Killzone 2 LittleBigPlanet Caladrius Blaze Resonance of Fate Sly Cooper Thieves in Time Vanquish Resistance 1&2 (3 sucked) MAG Fat Princess
  2. Do it, they apparently have a free refund policy: "Every single box is backed by a 30 day money back guarantee, we have been in business for over 5 years and have hundreds of loyal, happy customers! Shipping is always free, on every single order! Every SNES and N64 box now includes a free cart holder! " Get one (or five!), compare to originals, report here your findings, then return them. I'd do it myself but it's $20 just to ship a box to me.
  3. Those ain't dings, they're tooth marks!
  4. They staple closed the bags that hold the food. That said, I have no clue how the staple got to the CENTER of the burrito.
  5. I had a burrito from Fat Bastard Burrito with a staple in it. Took a while to be comfortable eating burritos again, not gonna lie.
  6. One thing I think makes PS3 collecting around the time where at least full-set collectors might not care so hard is that there are at least a few "coasters" - games that literally do not function AT ALL anymore. OP ( @Joyomofrobro )has one in their photo: Square no longer supports FFXIV on PS3 - you literally cannot play it at all. Same goes with actually one of my favorite FPSes of the console - MAG. Both of these games were online-only, making the discs entirely useless. Granted, they're not rare by any stretch, but when you start looking at, for instance, the expansion packs released for FFXIV prior to their stopping support for it, maybe those ARE a bit rare. There are CE's for them, too, with statues and the whole shebang. Good luck with those, and again - they're all COASTERS.
  7. Joke's on you, those are the movies I watch! Muahahaaaa!
  8. I have to imagine that they would, yeah. I'd assume they take it off, inspect, put it back on.
  9. Please don't be Piko... please don't be Piko... please don't... Oh thank god.
  10. Yo is that available at retail? If it can handle an F4F on the shelves it's what I need hah.
  11. Damn, I wish I still had my copies, I used to own a few of those star wars books.
  12. It's possible that @Jeevan is a bit confused lol.
  13. Aidyn and Quest 64 are not exactly the best representation the genre has to offer lol.
  14. Oh ok. Let's see, at my current rate... Yeah, nope.
  15. Yo if you think I'm doing 19 games a month you're insane lol.
  16. I dubbed my collection long ago, and once the name's taken it can't be transferred. Sorry bud!
  17. Please look forward to the Canada Collection, coming soon.
  18. Gloves


    This is someone's sale thread; there's zero need for you to come in and judge what dude is selling. It's not your place, and people can make their own judgements based on the photos provided. I've bought from Jay and was provided more photos on request without issue, so I know what I'm getting. Besides that who cares what these might grade at, especially based on your opinion; dude made no claims whatsoever about any grading BS. @Jayleonis - pro tip: change the thread title to say "Minty", and include a nice photo of a sprig of mint in the OP. That always riles people up.
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