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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. "USA" is also not centered, but not as noticeably so.
  2. @Code Monkey This might also smack your OCD in the face, as it did mine: The "1990" on the 7 isn't centered, but is on the 5.
  3. I somewhat recently upgraded my modern game / movie watching tv in the living room to a 4k, and so bought a 4k player to go with. I've been loving it so far! The HDR is really nice on movies like the new Mad Max. I do "collect" physical movies because I really can't stand being subbed to like 5 streaming services just for a movie or show here and there, and the damn things keep losing the rights; streaming services are going to soon be just as bad as cable TV with all the optional paid channel bundles. If I wanna watch King of the Hill I'll put in the DVD, thanks. I just got the new 4k version of They Live yesterday, looking forward to watching it.
  4. Bit of a difference between "exploded" and "fizzled out" lol.
  5. I mean yeah, you're entitled to being wrong. :P
  6. I saw my name and was like "huh?" but you're talking about Doug2, so it's ok.
  7. No joke I've never played this before, but I'm thinking it's pretty ok. I like how they mix up the method for beating bosses (see: everyone dying on stage 3 like the plebs they are).
  8. I bought it. Thanks everyone for donating to VGS so we can afford this! I'll smash it when it arrives.
  9. 2nd Wizpig is best tbh. I know you get credits after 1, but it's not a hard game, and they're kinda "fake out" credits.
  10. Don't make me turn on my NES again bro, I'm playing Diddy Kong Racing.
  11. You misunderstand, he's referring to the LEDERBOARD.
  12. You could set up an Activity Stream which lists only pages with a "Nes-City" tag on them. You cannot however straight up just get a notification any time someone mentions a term. This would add a lot of extra load to the site, and would be especially vulnerable to abuse and potentially DDoS attacks (e.g. a bunch of accounts sign up to get notifications for the word "the"); it'd be easy to overload the system and take down the site with something like that.
  13. How is anyone falling at all? You fly the whole game lmao.
  14. There's a dungeon? Why would you go into a dungeon on a low-score run? I am clearly missing something lol.
  15. I don't get it tbh. The game is fun for a nes game, and not very difficult at all.
  16. @Splain - For Diddy Kong Racing, do you have any issue with it if I do the Mirror Mode? It's the exact same as the regular mode but everything is mirrored. I play DKR every year and I'd like to change it up a bit and go for the 100% completion.
  17. First go, stage 5. Someone could have told me that balloons were bad. 23,230
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