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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. That was exactly the intent. I'm pretty big on accessibility in general, so I like making tools that assist with that.
  2. They do. I believe their business model is essentially that of something like, say, the Supreme clothing line. Limited stock, much hype.
  3. Yeah I made an app that told you what color you were looking at. It was intended as an accessibility and/or creative application. There was a little reticle in the middle of the Glass, and whatever was within that reticle, I grabbed the average color (out of around 16 pixels worth of data), and showed on "screen" optionally either the hex value, or an approximate name (e.g. "deep sky blue"). I was working on making it save the hex value when you say something like "Hey Glass, save this color", but I didn't get quite that far before having to move on to other projects. The intention with the latter part would be that a digital artist could be like "I like the color of this flower" and then save that color for later if it inspires them.
  4. I'm not sure I understand the emulator comment - they clearly state that it's built without emulation; it uses two FPGAs. Actually I don't understand either comment tbh; a smartphone? What, with no physical buttons? Maybe I'm missing something but... are we talking about the same thing? It has buttons and they look perfectly fine to me:
  5. God I hope not. Probably yeah but... like... The games I am looking for are already too expensive lol.
  6. I've never played any Sega CD, but I will say that the cases do look pretty cool, especially when you line em up like that @DoctorEncore.
  7. I have a copy on the way and if I don't like it I can sell it to your for "not ebay" price.
  8. (the joke is that we don't have an "upvote" system, so it won't happen)
  9. If this post gets 5 upvotes I'll buy all the NWC repros this person is selling w/ VGS funds and then smash them live on Twitch.
  10. @keyframes spin { from { transform:rotate(0deg); } to { transform:rotate(360deg); } } .spin { display: block; width: 200px; animation-name: spin; animation-duration: 3000ms; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-timing-function: linear; }
  11. Actually piracy has been shown numerous times to increase likelihood of purchase where games are concerned. A lot of people pirate games specifically to demo them, where a demo is not provided by the developer.
  12. Honestly the $250 is like my minigame here. I already have set it and forget it in my normal WS account, so I put $250 into Trade so I can like... buy specific stocks and test my "skills" as it were. No harm in losing that amount, and I should be able to generally see if I can make it bigger.
  13. Yeah they'd do well to have like a demo or something, if one doesn't exist.
  14. On the other hand, it's probably good that they keep the info available for 5 years - isn't that roughly the time within which the government can audit you? If you have/had money in, say, a TFSA or RRSP with them, that info MAY be required by you within the next 5 years. I'm sure there's some liability/requirement reason for them doing that. I do hope that the RH thing opens peoples' eyes a bit at LEAST with that specific app, and people move off of it. That whole thing was ridiculous.
  15. I've enjoyed the normal WS app fine enough, though admittedly that is very set it and forget it. I've not delved deeply enough into the new Trade app yet to have formed an opinion. All my money is in WealthSimple, so they basically are my bank.
  16. My funds cleared and I now have $250 in WealthSimple Trade. I'm planning to exclusively buy into Canadian stocks to avoid currency exchange fees. I'll have to find some Canadian companies I like and show my support.
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