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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. I want a doberman and my wife want a cat.
  2. Sorry I don't recall. I recognized the sail and flag.
  3. Convince @CasualCart to design one.
  4. When you send in your game, you declare a value. That should be the value they declare in case of need for insurance. That's on YOU, and rightly so. If you send in a game "worth" 20k and declare it as 2k,then it burns in a fire, you're getting 2k from insurance, and that's a YOU thing. It's bullshit that they'd try to tell anyone the value of a second hand market item. They should take your game, give it a grade per their service, and put it in some plastic. It's not a valuation service, and definitely SHOULDN'T BE.
  5. In the 90's it was basically just trivia with preset questions, like Trivial Pursuit, but sassy.
  6. The other side of the hype coin: https://www.reddit.com/r/PersonalFinanceCanada/comments/lavxcb/21_years_old_lost_25k/
  7. Future headline: "Gamer discovers rare official Nintendo NWC cartridge inside deceased grandfather's NES console" The online discussion following: "This new find brings to light that Nintendo actually did some interesting things differently across the NWC carts - note the subtle differences..."
  8. I think we can all agree though that 1:1 repros really aren't cool, yeah? Like, the NWC being made/sold is not cool? This is where I think we've deviated, me and @fcgamer, and again where I'm confused. I know you at least USED to be pretty against repros of the games you collect. So why not this? Spite? That's my main confusion here.
  9. If it makes you feel any better, I'd put all the games you listed apart from Larry as "not cool" under my "Cool or Not Cool" metric. And yesterday I'd have put Larry under "not cool", up until I was made aware that he asked permission and wasn't denied. Honestly my opinion may even be changing here a bit. @sg17 made a really good point about fan fiction, brief though it may have been. I did a bit of introspection there and kinda went "I mean, I'm cool with Rule 34 shit, so why not this?". As I say, I'm pretty open to having my mind changed. My only real problem here is that it seems to get pretty bogged down in needless semantics. On the one hand, I do prefer that people follow the rules in general. On the other hand (literally lol) - Princess Peach naughty bits.
  10. To my knowledge you could only reasonably put up a defense for Larry and Tetris, among those. Larry because as I understand it Khan got permission from the original creator. Tetris because the rights to the game didn't land back in the original creator's hands until well after it's release. Obviously Tetris is a weird one, where rights are concerned. I'll swap to the other example that you keep using (dunno why we're picking specifically on Khan) - Frogger. If literally all he did was go and make a Frogger port, never asking permission or obtaining rights, then yeah I'd call it a bootleg. I am simply using the definition put forth by the first thing that pops up when I search for "bootleg game". I am deferring to what I'd consider an authority.
  11. See this is the problem, and my mistake, with ever even uttering any terminology that you pop out. Every rando and his gram seems to have a different definition of the term "bootleg". And so with that I simply henceforth refuse to bother with the term, outside of my above comment regarding our for fun little game. I just don't care and I know I'm posting a lot so it might look like I do, but boy do I ever not.
  12. Here let's play a game @fcgamer. List any 5 games, I'll tell you if they're bootlegs or not.
  13. I guess so yeah. I don't know much about them. I'd like to reiterate that my caring meter is running pretty low.
  14. And to be clear, I wasn't "quick" to do so either. I went and researched them. I haven't got the time nor patience to sit here and do so for every game you list.
  15. Nah. I don't really care for this silly need to put everything into very specific buckets. I have "cool" and "not cool" buckets. I see no need to complicate life further than that.
  16. Yo don't put words in my mouth, I never once gave those games a pass.
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