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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. If anything I'd say it's morally wrong to sell something like this simply because you're just as likely to sell it to someone else with more nefarious intent. It's just opening a can of worms, putting these claimed "perfect" copies out into the world. As has been said though, anyone with actual NWC money is going to be looking pretty closely at the item before buying. As for ebay reporting, I usually just ctrl+f "report". It's just a link and not very obvious. I do so on the item page. Tbh I dunno. I'm kinda back and forth on this whole thing in my head. Like, I don't like that people bootleg or pirate games. I'd rather see smart minds making original things. I'd hate for someone to take something like the Sage design and do something untoward with it, I'd consider that disrespectful to both Cart as the designer, and the community as a whole. On the other hand I'm totally down for like, fan art. It's like you say, very gray. There's a line somewhere for each of us I imagine, and it's probably quite unique among us.
  2. Honestly I've been going through my own data cleanup process for stuff like this over the years, and the frank truth is odds are that you've already given up more data than you'd be comfortable knowing. It's a pretty regular thought in my head - just how comfortable am I with: Google having all the data it does about me Google sharing that data My lack of knowledge of the breadth of that data And comparing with: How much convenience Google et al bring to my daily routines e.g. I have multiple Google Homes, Chromecast, etc. For YEARS I used the same 1 password for literally everything. Just cleaning up THAT mess has been insane. The amount of websites that don't even LET you change your password, delete your account, update your email, etc. is ridiculous. There's a level of non-caring that I have at this point in time that I simply have to have to be not constantly paranoid lol. And beyond all that, all your precious contacts have already signed away all their own data to Google and all the services THEY use. They don't even need my help distributing their data. Example: I use Google Chrome as my main browser. I decided to see if I could live without the various accoutrements associated with it and use another browser. I decided to try the new "gaming browser" from Opera. It seemed alright, it worked well enough. Had some cool features like Discord always on, Twitch at the ready any time, and further diving into the history of Opera as a company showed it was owned by a super sketchy Chinese company... Wait that last one's not so great, eh? I'm pretty sure that unless you're prepared to go completely rogue, use a Linux distro, set up mail through like, well God knows what - what email service would you even use? Like, you need to live on the literal fringe if you want to absolutely avoid these big tech giants. And I honestly couldn't if I wanted to - I am a web developer for an advertising agency. It's pretty out of the question for me in my line of work.
  3. Why yikes? I really don't care about any of these companies having that info, frankly. I'm WELL aware of Google's strategies, I've worked directly with them multiple times on large projects.
  4. I have no opinion regarding fan fiction, though point taken. I'd put Let's Plays under the same umbrella as reviews, personally. There is gray area, yes. I'm just giving my personal opinion. And hey, my opinion can change, too. I'm pretty open to changing it in general. At the end of the day, regarding the original topic of the thread, this NWC repro - it is illegal, and ebay states in their ToC that they are not allowed. How that turned into this ridiculous debate is beyond me lol.
  5. And @fcgamer just a cursory look at, for instance, the Pokemon game you listed - it's a bootleg bro. It's by Sintax: https://bootleggames.fandom.com/wiki/Sintax#List_of_Games Assuming it's the "Leaf Green" game (https://bootleggames.fandom.com/wiki/Pokémon_Leaf_Green_(Game_Boy_Color)) that's 100% a bootleg. They ONLY made bootlegs, as far as I can tell. They stole graphics, IP, music, basically everything from other games. You can't really just go around like, trying to change the definition of the term, or otherwise claim that obvious bootlegs are not bootlegs.
  6. I won't speak for others, but I am in general not ok with stolen IP. Everything you've listed that is not entirely original falls under a general "not cool" umbrella for me personally.
  7. The funny thing is I bought one of these, as well as a few things that I regret buying, as I was new. The weird thing is I completely agree with FC on most of this, most of the time. Hence my last comment - I don't get it, something changed? I have a few games I regret buying cuz I thought they were homebrews since I was new to the hobby. I just didn't know the difference. I learned, and have felt kinda scammed tbh. They weren't very clearly labeled, so people new to the hobby would know what was going on. Like why did that stupid thing cost SO MUCH? Lining pockets cuz names were dropped. I support homebrews and homebrews alone with regard to "new old" games. @fcgamer with regard to reporting that repro, I literally just clicked "Login with Google" and it worked immediately. If my brackets made it sound like it was more effort than that I apologize.
  8. I swear I must be missing something; aren't you usually against repros @fcgamer? I feel like I'm missing something.
  9. Yeah was about to post: "Grats on the sale, looks like it went for more than you were asking here! Here's hoping the buyer pays." If you still have Crash and/or The Thing lemme know; if shipping to Canada isn't nutso I'd be interested.
  10. It's worth remembering that I am not the site. I'm just a dude that put up a website for people to hang out on. Am I disturbingly dedicated to it? Maybe, sometimes. But I'm not the be-all-end-all face of the community. I'm not Dain. We have discussions and we do our best to include the community feedback in those discussions and decisions. You tell us what you wanna see. Will we implement what YOU want every time? No. But we'll listen, certainly.
  11. In this instance I am speaking only for myself. That said, I honestly don't recall specifically the written rules and would have to go re-read them. Could always change as an "oversight" if necessary, consider the forum as generally fluid - our top priority with regard to commerce rules is protecting our members.
  12. You're really conflating a whole lot here. You're acting like we're saying this person needs to be jailed or executed. Reaction befitting the crime, dude, how are you this dense about it? She is posting illegal stuff that breaks ebays rules. So I reported it. At worst, they have their related accounts suspended or altogether deleted, and that PERFECTLY fits the "crime" going on here. You're really reaching.
  13. You're assuming a whole lot about me as a person I don't give two shits about NWC in general They're actively breaking the law, their livelihood is irrelevant as far as I'm concerned It's not my job to go out of my way to find and report repros; I came upon this listing and found that it breaks the rules and is illegal, so I reported it There's not a shred of this supposed hypocrisy in anything that I have said or done, or have ever done or said with regard to things of this nature. Repros are illegal, I do not support them, I will report them if I come across them. It's THAT simple.
  14. Making and/or selling repros is illegal. Selling them on eBay is not allowed. Also the person doing so is female.
  15. They also claimed that GME would hit $1000 by last Friday. Diamond hands!
  16. I think I saw what you were talking about before, but can you reiterate for me what hypocrisy we're talking about here?
  17. They've put one up on ebay, and I mean... They do list it as a repro, AND looking at the photos, it's pretty obvious it's a repro. I think you'd be hard pressed to fool anyone with these. That said, I reported it as I would any repro. (yes, I created a French ebay account to do so)
  18. If they didn't state that there were repros in the lot I imagine they'd side with you, but I have no personal experience with this.
  19. Nah, I've just always been interested in trying this stuff and the whole debacle made me go "why not now?". I'm not planning to jump on something that volatile as a noob.
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