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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. I have $150 sitting in WealthSimple Trade to fool around with. Not on anything yet, but it's there for when I've done some reading.
  2. Upon closer inspection of @CasualCart's drawing up above, I actually noticed that if you zoom in really hard, he's hidden his ACTUAL address in the image of the shipping box!
  3. http://www.atarimania.com/game-atari-400-800-xl-xe-river-raid_4388.html
  4. Well damn now this looks all coordinated lol.
  5. Lol. Yeah Gather was just a fun thing that we came across. Here are some benefits in my mind for Gather compared to Discord: Lower barrier to entry Not EVERYONE has a Discord, or wants to have one With Gather you just go to the url and pop in a name for yourself Fun little traversable world We can build cool little atmospheric rooms and the like, tailor-built to specific purposes e.g. a "Game Room" can actually LOOK like a game room e.g. I've used it to run a work event, and I built a "dungeon" with a full-on maze; fun stuff! Something to do "between rounds" Say we're playing Smash Bros and it's not your turn, you could walk around, maybe even go off to another room very temporarily w/ someone else to chat privately (winking emoticon) That's it really. Maybe it doesn't appeal to the group, maybe you hate it, maybe Discord is fine. That's cool too. We're just experimenting with something we thought was fun and engaging. If people don't like it, we can just use Discord again, no harm no foul.
  6. HOW DARE YOU! Time to lay the smack down with these diamond hands! Whack! (disclaimer: I am 100% just meming)
  7. Consider too that this person likely didn't have direct access to an actual NWC to compare to, just photos and videos online. There's gonna be a difference, and most people aren't buying these online and shipping them in the mail. Most of the deals I've been made aware of, the involved parties met IRL, even across significant distances. People fly across the country to make these deals.
  8. Yeah so don't even use the term. It's ALREADY silly and confusing cuz you're not actually being specific at all. There are people (myself included) who WOULD actually be interested to hear about how reproductions have impacted the value of games of various systems and specific regions, but you're not really helping. You came in and just kinda went like "haha now you all have to deal with something I already have to!". Someone stated that they hadn't noticed repros impacting prices and you rebut with "you must not collect imports.". Like bro, share some knowledge, don't just lord it over people.
  9. I don't understand your response. I was just asking, don't you collect bootlegs in the Asian regions, rather than specifically imports?
  10. They claim to be female They also claim that after the sale, they will share the intentional "mistake" that they included on the PCB so they could be differentiated from the real thing None of the above really matters, and I too think this is pretty shitty
  11. Thanks for the reminder that I still need to pick up Darkwing Duck.
  12. Oh right, the game itself. Haven't played it.
  13. They do, but they don't look consistent with the rest of their cases:
  14. It's not remastered, it's the original emulated.
  15. I still haven't played Tooie, despite having loved the 1st game when it came out.
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