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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. That's the thing though, every sign has pointed to that I HAVE been investing responsibly. I have a steady 7.5% return on my investments which is the average over many years etc. etc.. I keep it in a TFSA, I have an emergency fund that could keep me going for a long while. For all intents and purposes I'm being quite responsible. And as I say, I know it's basically gambling, what is going on right now. Gambling and market manipulation. It doesn't change that a bunch of randoms on a website just made more money than most people make in a year. It just doesn't sit very well with me. Like there's literal cheat codes for life or something.
  2. I can't possibly even start to trade in any quick fashion, so I couldn't hop on a train right now if I wanted to. Literally all my money is already invested (in a robo investor), and I get paid Friday. It'd take 3 days to get money into a trade app from my bank. Like it's whatever, but it's like seeing the carnival come to town and I have a broken leg. All you can do is sit and watch the fun come and go. But this fun is like - change peoples' lives kinda fun. Yes it's gambling basically, and yes hindsight is 20/20. But it's like - I dunno. It has me in that sorta sour mood ya know? I'll get over it but right now the human response of "boy that could have solved a great many of my life problems" is there regardless.
  3. I can handle that. What's a brokerage? Like Fidelity? You're saying not to use Wealthsimple? I say Wealthsimple cuz my money is already there and they have this "Trade" app which LOOKS like it'd be the thing I need, and I can use my money from my existing accounts without having to transfer etc. etc.. You'd say it'd be worthwhile to move $25k to another app for this?
  4. I too would be interested in this. I could use Wealthsimple trade, but no clue how to make any use of it. I also have "chuck it just in case" money, and would have happily tossed a grand at GME like a week ago just to see what happens, had I any clue how any of this worked. TBH same thing with like Bitcoin; I feel like a bit of a fool on the sidelines sometimes, and the only thing that keeps me sane is reminding myself that this is essentially gambling. At the least I'd like to be a bit more educated in general.
  5. I was just saying hi cuz she was curious about what he was doing. Everyone else turned it into something else.
  6. I believe I know who you're referring to, but I'll refrain from saying who, in case he doesn't want that following him around. Suffice to say, no, not this guy.
  7. I wouldn't even know where to start with this stuff, so same - I just read along.
  8. Technically, Scramble. It at least hits the mark as far as your criteria goes, I believe. Or are you perhaps trying to stick to what might otherwise be called "platformers"?
  9. To be fair, some people on this forum have done that a number of times. It's not gone from the hobby, entirely.
  10. Whether other people like them or not is irrelevant for this poll. A 0 on here is saying "I feel this way" not "they are absolutely the worst, objectively speaking".
  11. Get an arm and it hardly takes up any space, technically:
  12. I shower like 20-30 minutes. At least for the last year or so. TBH I find it a bit of an escape, while I'm quarantined. It's not good though; my feet do not like me right now.
  13. Is this for use on a computer, or on a physical phone you'd have to connect to? If for use on computer I'd suggest getting a comfy headset, and a completely separate mic. A Blue Yeti mic has hardware controls for gain that you could tune on an individual user basis. If you find someone can't hear you, instead of yelling (which does impact your tone), you could just add gain by turning the nob on the mic to increase the volume for them to hear you better. Further, doing the above would enable you to get a very comfy headset without having to worry about the quality of the mic, which is great because often headset mic quality sucks in the first place, and the ones that don't are often compromising in other areas such as comfort.
  14. Fair enough. I suppose it may have been marketed as waterproof when in fact it's technically only resistant. I do have a "waterproof" case on it in addition to the marketed water proofing, but granted, manufacturer defects and time can have an impact. Suffice to say I've had my phone in the shower almost daily for a year or so without (visible) issues.
  15. There is only 1 reason not to remove it: If you plan to sell them. Otherwise, if they're yours and yours forever (as far as anyone can plan anyway) then I'd say it's up to you. If you, like me, are collecting the boxes etc. for aesthetics in your home, then it's YOUR games in YOUR collection, so fuck the opinions of others. As far as protection, it WOULD protect against dust etc., but that's not such an issue w/ the acrylic cases, so I'd say you're good.
  16. My friend is friends with Hakoom. Hakoom has a trophy service - Hakoom (actually his wife) will log into your account and earn trophies for you.
  17. An old friend of mine is a personal friend of Hakoom's. Dude sells trophies, he makes BANK getting trophies for people from Dubai on their accounts. They use them to show off to each other, and it "only" costs them a few thousand dollars (USD) for like a day of him "working", as it's mostly Japanese visual novels.
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