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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. My first platinum was Call of Duty: World at War on PS3. https://psnprofiles.com/Gloves_Off_Games
  2. To the potential dismay of some people, know this: If you're talking to me on Discord in the middle of the day and I'm actually responding, there's a decent chance I'm doing so while in the shower.
  3. I use a curtain rod behind the games w/ a spring that keeps it in place to create an easy consistency across the shelf.
  4. I've gotta stay out of these threads y'all make me feel poor every single time. Nice shelf work @Code Monkey.
  5. It's browser-based. You don't need a steam account or anything at all. Only the host (@Jeevan) needs to own the game(s).
  6. Not at this time, probably not ever tbh. It's a reasonable idea, and appreciated at that, but there are just many many things that are way ahead of that in line.
  7. Gloves

    Dimension Shift

    Damn, shame it had to go this way. You gotta take care of you, though. Know at the least that you're welcome to stick around and chat games any time. The past year has been rough, so hopefully things turn around for you one way or another.
  8. For the sake of transparency, I was planning to play Dragon Warrior 2 sometime this year cuz I've never played it before.
  9. That is for literally just posting code, to share the code. It's handy if people ever want to share their code, for example, in a homebrew making guide of some sort. For example, if I was to make a guide like Nerdy Nights, it might go like this: Original thread: https://connect.gocollect.com/discussion/6082 The palettes start at PPU address $3F00 and $3F10. To set this address, PPU address port $2006 is used. This port must be written twice, once for the high byte then for the low byte: LDA $2002 ; read PPU status to reset the high/low latch to high LDA #$3F STA $2006 ; write the high byte of $3F10 address LDA #$10 STA $2006 ; write the low byte of $3F10 address
  10. Decided to knock out something quick and easy as I'm quite bored now, so I played through Classic Mode on Smash Bros Melee on default settings. Yes, that means I played on Very Easy, no, I have no regrets about that.
  11. Probably not much more or less at this point than any other Switch, I'd imagine. Not enough time has passed.
  12. Jeez that is such garbage. This shit is why I'm trying to avoid ebay at all costs these days.
  13. Beat Age of Calamity just now. Now to decide what to do next.
  14. Canadian and US are interchangeable for the purpose of this thread. In other words, that won't count.
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