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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Yeah when did this become a meat box? Don't eat meat that strangers on the internet send you.
  2. Been really loving my new countertop oven. Made another pizza tonight.
  3. Yeah the console has nothing to do with that, it'll be the battery in the game. I'd probably refuse the return and say as much. That's me though.
  4. Lol it's just me putting on my namesake. No mystery to it.
  5. Slowly chipping away at Age of Calamity still, over here.
  6. Honestly I feel that at least part of it is the setting - Toronto. I don't even like Scott Pilgrim, but I'm still like "it's cool that it's here in Toronto" when it comes up. I can go through them and it's like yeah - that's Toronto, I know that store/street/landmark. I live up the road from Casa Loma, which is where the skateboard guy and Scott meet/fight in the movie.
  7. Manga in general would like a chat.
  8. Thanks man! I've always had trouble w/ "personal style" and I don't think this is necessarily it for me, but I did enjoy just "doing it" rather than my typical always worrying about perfect lines and such. I'm a huge fan of the semi-sketch look that some people have, but I'm just SO ANAL about like closing loops and coloring in the lines and stuff when I get into Photoshop myself. I had to really "let go" to make this and if nothing else I'm quite happy I was able to do that for once.
  9. If I did that people would start doing it on purpose lol.
  10. Absolutely no way I'm playing Tetris of any sort.
  11. I've not played it but I've read that DOOM Eternal starts basically assuming you've beaten all of DOOM 2016, and immediately ramps up the difficulty compared to the toughest content in its predecessor. So if you play DOOM Eternal WITHOUT playing DOOM 2016, and do so on the hardest difficulty, I imagine that'd be quite the challenge.
  12. Yeah I'm not feeling FPS right now.
  13. I don't think we're gonna play Mario Kart this next game night lol.
  14. Does anyone else wanna do Diddy Kong Racing? I usually play once a year for fun anyway since it's easily my favorite racing game, but I'm happy to see someone else take care of it for this thread if it means someone else gets to experience the joy of it. I might do Pod Racer again.
  15. View Advert Little Red Riding Hood's Zombie BBQ DS (no manual) For sale/trade, ended up not being my kind of game. If wanting to trade, for now just let me know what you have. I'm generally looking for PS1, ps2, and snes Cibs. Advertiser Gloves Date 01/14/2021 Price Category FS / FO / FT  
  16. I was just deprived growing up lol. A lot of classics I simply never got to play. I've been working on catching up these past few years.
  17. I feel like it wasn't intended to be realistic lol.
  18. On the PC version you can remove the song entirely, and honestly I was happy to do so when I played on PC years ago.
  19. I dunno why it's 2x speed, and thus worthless as a video to watch, but:
  20. Danganronpa Trilogy on PS4 is a good way to play if you have a PS4, else yeah Vita is where they originated. They're also on Steam.
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