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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. But surely nobody owns EVERY game for that particular console. They'd have to be NUTS!
  2. Point and click adventure games from the 80s and 90s would like a word.
  3. Longer form response: If the label bothers YOU, and you want to have a nice label, then I'd suggest instead buying another copy with a nicer label and selling this copy to make up the difference. Or this:
  4. This is just the stuff Casual Cart put together, it's not an exhaustive list of what is possible.
  5. I like that idea and have brought basically the same thing up before, but apparently people just like to play the exact same games over and over again every year.
  6. I'm still wishing we could all play PS1/2 for a thread like this, but it'll never happen.
  7. You're not alone, especially with Covid impacting how people are thinking about life these past few months. I myself have been having something of a crisis of identity with where I live, which is kind of similar. I live in Toronto and I live here very much for the amenities, but honestly looking back, even before Covid I wasn't exactly hitting up the clubs or going to shows or anything at all really with any sort of regularity. Really I'm just paying a super high cost of living to... sit in my basement apartment playing video games. I'm super lucky to have a reasonable rent, around HALF of what some of my peers are paying right now, and that's been a sticking point for moving. But even so, I can make pretty decent money working purely remotely; I could easily buy a house NOT in Toronto and have the whole place to make my own "man cave" of my dreams, etc., and for a fraction of the cost of living here. It definitely has me rethinking a lot lately. I've even considered moving to another country (e.g. Scotland, Ireland, Sweden, somewhere "exotic" (to me)). It's tough though cuz my wife likes to be close to family. But at the same time we see them maybe twice a year to be honest. We could easily buy a great house in another country and STILL be well enough off that we could fly her family over (or ourselves fly back to Canada) for again a fraction of the cost of living in Toronto. It's tough to have these talks during Covid though, as it's like... hard not to feel stuck. All that to say... I feel ya, brother.
  8. Hey man, welcome to the forum! Good to see new fa - wait a minute.
  9. BTW just a friendly reminder: If we ever happen to get the whole set beaten in a year, we do have Charms ready to hand out. We have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd top contributor Charms, and one for all participants. These are only handed out though if we do indeed complete the goal!
  10. You don't own the best racing game on the console?
  11. Shit I'd better start a Diddy Kong run before someone beats me to it.
  12. Hey I know 3 of those songs. Thanks, Burnout Paradise and Guitar Hero!
  13. I think a feature that would be cool is "times played", considering how often we all replay some games. Heck y'all are making me wanna revisit my personal backlog site project.
  14. You can actually do so for yourself, which would be more convenient for both. If you go to your settings (the main site navigation) you should see "manage my attachments". You can delete images from there if you don't need them anymore.
  15. I'm always available, you can message me, @ me, whatever works for you. That said, @BlueBombersyou've used 4% so far. It really comes down to if you plan to upload photos often.
  16. Nothing wrong or anything, just some suggestions. If you're taking high res images, just know that they won't be as high res on here. I saw hi-resolution in the thread title and figured you were going for that. You do have plenty of space to store images, really, so the second point might be moot - I'm unaware of how many of these you plan to upload. If you can manage it, I'd suggest installing the IMGUR app on your phone, uploading your images there (for this thread), and then sharing the link to the bucket of images. You CAN keep going with what you're doing and likely nobody will mind. These are just potential improvements I'm suggesting.
  17. Personally, I'd take that 100% your fault at failure, chuck it, try again. Sell the TG-16 and wait for the Analogue Turbo Duo to come out and assume that like every system they've released, it will have a jailbreak.
  18. FYI @BlueBombers I highly suggest using some external image hosting for this. VGS compresses your images - they will be downsized to a set maximum width Youll eventually run out of space for uploading images on the site (you get 200mb)
  19. Gloves

    Lock please

    Locked at request. Hopefully you got what you were looking for!
  20. All of my interests are expensive ones. I used to feel like the only person in the world who was actively super into horror games and shoot-em-ups. I'm not sure when the boom was or if it was more gradual, but they're both among the most expensive to collect today.
  21. I'm pretty sure he's using the default color scheme. Unless you specifically mean his banner?
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