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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. This thread is far too popular.
  2. How do you mean disappeared? They never existed? Or do you mean on NA?
  3. Another update cuz I was feeling spicy: I've made a few improvements to mobile, including adding site award icons to the bottom of posts. I made them small so they're not disruptive, but I did want to have them show you can show off a bit of flareno matter what device you prefer. As an aside, you may have noticed that everyone now has their role on mobile posts as well (eg I should have Administrator under my name). This is to help mobile users know the roles staff have, so they can ask the right people if they have a question or anything.
  4. Yeah that's for sure a day at home on the toilet.
  5. I'll probably bite on the Analogue Duo, making me a liar in the end. If I keep saying I won't maybe I won't, but who am I kidding. I was trying to avoid starting a new collection.
  6. FYI the Charm is now available.
  7. Backloggery currently only provides a BBCode solution. What you need to do on here instead is this: 1) Right click and copy the image address for your signature image: 2) Paste that into your VGS signature: 3) Double-click the pasted image: 4) Enter the URL for your personal Backloggery in Link URL: And you should be good to go!
  8. FYI, the dev of Backloggery is working on a revamp of the site. It's coming along and looking quite nice based on what he's shared. It should be noted that Covid set him back a bit, and he codes using his voice (can't use his hands due to disability), so it's a slow burn. I still use the site, and I am really looking forward to the new version of the site (which will retain your current data, as well as add new features).
  9. I only played this for the first time last year, but I enjoyed it a lot. Gave it 8/10.
  10. It's games like that, looking back, that makes me just shake my head lol.
  11. I used to be really into Playstation trophies. I had to quit cold turkey so I could actually get back to enjoying games. This is my PSN account trophy profile: https://psnprofiles.com/Gloves_Off_Games
  12. Age of Calamity is coming along well. I'm still enjoying it, just at the tail end of chapter 4/7. It's pretty typical of this style of game; I think people tend to get bogged down in the mentality of having to kill every enemy they see. Focus on your current goal and its pretty smooth sailing. I also like the few customization options, like dying clothes and different outfits for Link. Every character fights totally differently which is great.
  13. @fcgamer Do you have these available, ready to ship? I might bite on one so I could take some proper recordings to share so people know what it is.
  14. Re: IMGUR, read this: It's not required or anything, but users do have limited upload space. Using less of the site's space will save us money.
  15. It's a security issue, so going in-depth would be counter to the goal.
  16. NA version: https://www.dell.com/downloads/global/products/pedge/en/server-poweredge-r710-tech-guidebook.pdf
  17. Japanese server kit: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Dell-E02S-Poweredge-J296p-A01-100-240v-Server-Kit-/293550144513
  18. I see stickers. Does it have a model number? Google the model number if so. EDIT: You added more photos right when I said this.
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