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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. I don't like Metroid, but I do have some good memories of the Game Boy game.
  2. There's a bug fix update for the forum software which they suggest we implement as soon as we can, so hey let's do just that. The site will be down for probably not too long tomorrow at 8pm EST. This is your friendly warning so you don't like... I dunno... what the hell are you all even doing on here at 8pm? Listening to the Rolling Stones? God help you.
  3. I do not and never have listened to the radio for any extended period of time. Time in the car as a kid was spent listening to news or cassettes. As a sidenote, I hate Hootie and the Blowfish.
  4. Yes it was. Google though. Consider that I was 14 at the time.
  5. I have been made aware that Stairway to Heaven was done by a different band, one I am equally unfamiliar with. They're all the same hah.
  6. Just listened to it - ok I at least recognize it. I didn't recognize it from the name. @Tabonga I only know of Stairway to Heaven through South Park; was that originally a song of theirs?
  7. I'm just not an old man. You keep putting up like my dad's shit, which is mostly garbage.
  8. Of the songs listed I only know Dancing in the Street and Paint It Black. I enjoy both songs, but would only ever put up Paint It Black to actually unironically listen to. Even THEN, realistically I'd only actually do so while playing Guitar Hero. 4/10
  9. You might be misreading the original post. OP goes to park w/ kids A maskless child approaches him/his children Due to OP's feelings regarding masks in a pandemic, he tells the child (presumably nicely) that they can't play with his kid(s) without a mask This SHOULD be the end of it, for any reasonable parent. This was her chance to go "whatever, you don't HAVE to play with those kids" to her own child. Now, likely 1 of 2 things happened in the next part, which is part of where OP maybe could have handled it more delicately, for me. The child either: Went back to their mother and told her verbatim what OP told them - you can't play with my kids without a mask OR Went back to their mother and told her something closer to "the man said I need a mask to play" See now, I do think #2 IS more likely - kids are simple. They see it all simple. It's this equals that. I can't play with the kids means I can't play at all, cuz that's the play I want. If the kid went route 2, yeah maybe Mom is a bit justified in her mind saying "hey what the hell, how dare you tell my kid he needs a mask!" as that is not the rule (kids under 4 blah blah blah). All that said, from OP's perspective, it basically ended at #3 waaay up at the top there, then suddenly he was confronted with an angry and seemingly unreasonable woman. That's my takeaway.
  10. I mean personally I don't see cursing as a bad thing. Americans are kinda funny in that way. Graphic violence on tv a-ok, but say fuck or show a nip and CONTROVERSY!
  11. I made zucchini & mushroom pizza for dinner w/ a simple side salad (spinach). No photos cuz we dug right in.
  12. I bring nothing but a single Charizard card. It has the highest number on it, so instant win!
  13. Those are some talented 3 year olds... xD I'm pretty sure they were going for the classic arcade style. It fits pretty well.
  14. Ultra HDMI N64 View Advert I have an Ultra HDMI N64 for sale/trade. It's a regular black model, and was done by Ichinisan & his brother back on NA. Works fine, I just don't play old games on the big screen as much as I thought I would since I got my tiny JVC CRT. Comes w/ the cable they provided to me when I purchased it, power supply, and expansion pak. I didn't take photos cuz it's packed up, call me lazy. I'll happily take it out and photograph it if anyone is interested. I'd prefer to do trades if possible. I'd do a straight trade for Kuon on PS2, or CIB games that I am looking for, of which I do not really have a comprehensive list. Mostly SNES, PS1, PS2. A few notable titles I'm looking for off the top of my head: Kuon PS2 Mystical Ninja SNES Spanky's Quest SNES Maui Mallard SNES Mystical Ninja starring Goemon N64 Castlevania Symphony of the Night PS1 Snow Brothers NES Advertiser Gloves Date 01/04/2021 Price Category FS / FO / FT  
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