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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Careful man there's over 2000 users on this site.
  2. FFL2 is one of my most nostalgic games, personally, but it does suffer from something pretty common in JRPGs of that era - a very sudden end-game difficulty wall. It's actually pretty ridiculous, I can pinpoint the exact moment I personally start having trouble in the game every single time, no matter what gear I have or what my group makeup is. I love the game but GODDAMN does it get insane near the end there.
  3. Hell, don't go to sleep tonight, or you'll wake up with all your favorite games already beaten. Happens to me every year with you psychos.
  4. *runs to bedroom to play Dragon Warrior*
  5. I was feeling a bit nostalgic prior to the New Year and beat Totally Rad! a few days ago. So that's struck out on my list, and I consider that a good start. I've started playing Age of Calamity (Xmas gift from the wife), and am enjoying it so far.
  6. Collection goals just make me sad. I'll continue looking for good deals on the games I want but I'm not really holding my breath anymore.
  7. I didn't like it, from the little I played. That said, I was deep in the trophy hunting game and only actually played it for a specific trophy for a competition, so that may have negatively painted my view of it.
  8. Well laa-dee-daa Mr. 1/10 subscribers.
  9. We all love our wacky reaction gifs. Isn't The Office (US version) SO funny!?!? Was that The Office? I don't know I haven't seen it. Anyway. We've added the ability to add gifs to your posts using GIPHY! You can now easily search for gifs to suit any occasion! No longer must you scour the internet and copy-paste gifs, or worse yet, upload them to the site to use. So yeah, enjoy.
  10. FYI you can upload around 1250 more images of this size before hitting the limit. It's not like you're sitting at the edge or anything.
  11. Before the end of the year!?!? *looks at clock*
  12. I don't use media fire so all I can say is "yeah looks that way".
  13. Hey all! Work has been done and numbers have been very roughly crunched and some updates have been made. Subscribers First off, we're always looking for ways to give back to the folks who give... back... Yeah. So I'll start with the subscriber benefits. Each tier of subscriber (there are 4) will now get progressively more total storage, and post size cap. As follows: Tier 1 ($5/month, or $60/year) 500mb total 10mb available per post Tier 2 ($10/month) 1gb total 10mb per post Tier 3 ($20/month) 2gb total 15mb per post Tier 4 ($50/mth) 5gb 20mb per post If you'd like to become a subscriber yourself, you can do so here: https://www.videogamesage.com/subscriptions/ Everyone else Everyone on the site has been bumped up to 200mb total limit for file attachments as a base. You all will have a 5mb cap per post. In general, this is easily mitigated by some general good internet practices - instead of uploading an image to VGS you can always just copy-paste the link to an image (or any media really), and it will automatically embed the image. As long as you're not manually uploading, you're not using your space up. IMGUR is a decent site for hosting images - you get unlimited space on there. But I need more! Hey man, if you need more just reach out. We can talk about why you need more and figure something out. Not everyone can sub and that's understandable. If you CAN sub, it will help keep the site going. As time goes on, these numbers may change. They are what seems reasonable right now. In a month, or a year, we may find that it's not enough. The solutions we provide to keep the place alive are an ongoing discussion and as much as possible we want the floor open to you all, the folks using the site. Realistically if the numbers are too low, we'll just bump it up for everyone. If you all hate ads (same, bro), you'll never see ads on the site (unless we're having a laugh for fun). Tell us what YOU want, and we'll do what we can, always. We're doin' good Something that I don't think enough sites share is just how they doin'. This is YOUR site, so you shouldn't have to worry about it if there's nothing to worry about, so hey, how we doin'? Well first off, we're saying "doin'" far too much in this paragraph, so I will stop now. Beyond that, things are good. You can all thank the subscribers who are putting in enough to keep this place going, it really means a lot to all of us. If you see a user with a coin charm (little Mario coin site award), maybe consider giving them a virtual high five. The site's not in danger of disappearing, in fact we're growing quite nicely. New users come in pretty regularly, and some of 'em even stick around. Could we use more subscribers? Always, of course - the more in the coffers the more we can do to build this place up. More money means more flexibility to take on ventures like merch, homebrews, prizes for site contests, stuff like that. We'd love to be a place that gives back to the gaming community so if you have any ideas of how we can have a positive impact, always feel free to share.
  14. I hit submit prematurely; re-check my post, there are other reasons too.
  15. It's recyclable plastic Takes less materials to make Lighter More milk in less space etc.
  16. If you can help it, do it on a VPN. If they see these API calls they're likely to IP ban.
  17. @Lincoln FYI, the Gamestop internal API looks to be not particularly strict. You can edit the value of the Option tag on the dropdown for radius, and it'll actually pass that value to their server call. Looks like you CAN go too high, but this might help you do more at once at a wider radius, if nothing else. 1000 was too high (500 internal server error), but 110 worked fine: So somewhere between 100 and 1000, there's a "highest possible" number, likely due to some timeout or something server-side. Find that sweet spot number and your life is that little bit easier. EDIT: 500 worked fine:
  18. It's cheaper, AND more environmentally friendly. How is this a bad thing?
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