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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Correct, they cannot. What MIGHT make more sense than adding to a global site-wide dictionary, honestly, would be to have a dictionary of terms thread in the WW club. That way it's there and people can reference it when needed.
  2. Imagine half of these showing up in regular forum interactions lmao. Like I imagine someone who lives in Saskatchewan sharing their address for a trade, and their address is like 123 Fake St. Moosejaw, SK And the person on the other end is like... "Serial killer?". xD
  3. I ain't no cheat! I put in $5/month and that's all ya gon' get.
  4. Lol famicom cart too stronk.
  5. I've taken your suggestion and simply gone w/ the latest version for now. We at least have very generous return policies here, so I can set it up, try it out, and return if I hate it or want to upgrade. Honestly for me I think simple is best here. I always get frustrated cuz I want these things to just work, and I'm no audiophile/won't be listening to music on it like ever. I appreciate all the suggestions and info, you guys rock!
  6. It's not a huge room or anything. I have my computers off to the right though. It's definitely not even.
  7. You all are wrapping gifts? Shit.
  8. This is the 5.1 on their site: https://ca.jbl.com/BAR+5.1+SURROUND.html?dwvar_BAR 5.1 SURROUND_color=Black-US-Current&cgid=home-audio#start=1 Does it sound like BS? I mean if I don't have to worry about little detachable things and it "just works like magic" then I don't MIND the sound of that. (haha, the sound of that) EDIT: AAAhhhh yeah I see. This is the new model. Makes sense now.
  9. Maybe the ones I see are simply newer...?
  10. This is what pops up on Amazon and it's all totally different: The "5.1" looks to be not the same as the ends don't come off for surround sound, and the 9.1 (wut?) over on the right DOES have that feature but it's $1200 so obviously something entirely different. I'm at a loss, and this is part of why I hate doing this search (I've tried looking into this before). Basically I find something I can get excited about and it turns out it's entirely impossible to get my hands on it. EDIT: I think I found it, but it's unavailable. Looking at the JBL site, it doesn't seem to exist at all. Ugh.
  11. @DoctorEncore was looking at the JBL you suggested and honestly it sounds perfect for me. But it's entirely unavailable in Canada.
  12. Add a second question, and make it multiple choice.
  13. I'd vote Goldeneye IF IT WORKED! So I went Among Us. I'd be down for Mario Kart as well. Maybe do a two poll approach - first one is single selection, your top pick; second on is multiple choice, all you'd be interested in. Might be interesting to see.
  14. This is true re: shopping. Unfiltered real opinions at a glance and from generally real people, not something you can depend on with something like, say, amazon reviews.
  15. Lol all these plebs looking at reddit as a potential source of real world news. Fools, it is as the internet was originally intended - reddit is purely a source of curated pornography.
  16. With regard to my current soundbar/subwoofer: They are quite old. They "have bluetooth" but it's incompatible with my new TV, so I had to plug the soundbar in directly to it. I would like I think to replace the whole thing with like a set or something. I usually upgrade and then donate my old stuff so I don't really see it as a big loss. I'd LIKE wireless; I have a pet rabbit and she'd chew cables if I had them going across the room or anything. I'm not against buying a receiver, I just am not familiar with the benefits. Further, I'm not sure there's enough space in the TV cabinet I have. Can they be across the room from the TV and still work if I made like a weird setup? Or could it be hidden in a drawer and still function?
  17. She usually just uses it for the bathroom and to eat copious amounts of hay. She tends to sleep under the coffee table. She can't right now cuz our carpet is in storage due to the reno. T_T
  18. Direct. I've never really understood why anyone would have a receiver.
  19. @Tulpa Yeah I could move it over for sure, there's a ton of space on the right, and not so much on the left.
  20. Consider me a total dunce in this regard. I'm just hoping I can get something cool to elevate my movie watching and game playing experience in my living room, and I have honestly no clue where to start. I really don't wanna spend like $500+ and have it sound like garbage. Right now I just have an old soundbar and sub woofer. Hoping I can upgrade to 5.1 (I don't think 7.1 is viable in my space) without breaking the bank completely, but I could probably be convinced to spend up to 1k (Canadian) if there's like some God tier shit and if it's truly worth it (I dunno). Here's some pics of my layout, hopefully it helps (please excuse the mess, just had renos done). Looking for suggestions and any guidance anyone might be able to share.
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