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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. I mean, yeah, seems so. Considering "Time bandits" wasn't the final name of the game. Was there a logo with that title at all? Can you share any screens?
  2. @CasualCart Jack Frost is a character in the Shin Megami Tensei series:
  3. I've had my printer for a year and a half, and I've yet to have to change the cartridge. It's black and white, mind you.
  4. I was surprised and delighted to find that the physical release of Mortal Shell comes with a poster and art book. The game didn't even cost that much. Not enough games do this anymore, so I wanted to give it a shout. Are there any other standouts recently, excluding "special editions"?
  5. Ah yeah I forgot about that. Very convenient lol.
  6. I've started collecting variants. There's actually a really rare Mexican variant that not many people know about. The fools on PrestigeBay seem to think that the only copies that matter are the US copies. What a bunch of jokers.
  7. I haven't seen it, despite my collection. I keep em sealed. Gonna rake it in soon enough.
  8. At first glance it reminded me of the Woolies from Bubsy:
  9. Just beat the game. Level 6 boss is the final boss.
  10. Pure speculation, but the stage 6 boss is directly after the boss that's the final boss on the MSX version, so I'm thiiiiiinking it might be the final boss. It's a significant ramp up in difficulty overall.
  11. I've played easily over 2000 games. How many 10s do I get to hand out? Around 70?
  12. Haradius Zero: 110,440 Died again on the level 6 boss.
  13. Now that I think of it, I legit find Ikea Billy Bookshelves literally sitting on the side of the road or near the trash in perfectly fine condition disturbingly regularly around here. Maybe people are moving or upgrading or something, but seriously I could furnish my whole apartment with free second-hand shelves if I wanted.
  14. I don't drive so I always order delivery from them. I was like "bro they never arrive broken what do you mean?".
  15. OOOOOOHHH haha. I thought you were saying they'll "do that" as in "they'll also arrive broken". xD
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