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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. ISN'T IT GREAT! *eyes red from lack of sleep*
  2. He's stated that he doesn't intend to allow anyone to finish the series should he pass prior to finishing it himself.
  3. Astyanax is another of mine, and I love it to this day warts and all. The music is actually pretty decent. I've beaten it multiple times in weird ways including pacifist runs and no-damage runs. Fun game to master IMO.
  4. I'll join up so you can all vote me out in round 1 again.
  5. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. When I was a kid my access to games was pretty limited. We had a few games we picked up at the flea market, and we sometimes rented a game for the weekend. I played a handful of games, a LOT. We didn't get magazines or read reviews or any of the niceties of today, it was really just "does the sticker on this cart make the game look fun?" and if the answer was yes we'd buy it at the market. Obviously this meant I spent a fair amount of time with some pretty shit games. A good example is McKids on the NES. An objectively pretty mediocre game, that I could easily play from start to end today from memory based on how much I played it as a kid. Any game was better than no game. I'm curious to hear of any such games you all might have stories about. Obscure or otherwise shitty games that YOU like, or that at least hold a place in your heart if only because it's all you had, so you made due, and maybe it grew on you over time through sheer force of will.
  6. All I'm saying is that I sit on the "Latest Activity" feed on the site. If I see this thread I tend to just avert my eyes anyway, but if you're gonna drop any "Character X was killed by Character Y" or anything serious I'd just ask that it be in a spoiler tag for a while. A week embargo doesn't help much cuz I won't be able to watch it until the holiday season. It's not a rule and I won't enforce it in any way, I'm just asking purely for myself, in a "pwetty pwease?" kinda way, not as like "I'm an admin do as I say!" way. It'd just be nice.
  7. Please do use spoiler tags for anything important: If for no reason other than that I haven't watched it and it's not possible for an admin to ignore threads, and I'm asking nicely.
  8. Figured I'd share this here for you all to take in, in case you need some inspiration:
  9. Imagine being beholden to the whims of another.
  10. It popped up on my feed, I saw an NES cart and a today release, and went "gotta share!"
  11. I've edited the OP to make it clear it's not a homebrew. I originally read it as "original" NES game, not "official", which made me think it was "original" as in "new".
  12. AAAHHHHH I missed that! "These are official NES cartridges with the original label included underneath a new “The Mysterious Game of Crypticism” label." Ok so definitely not a homebrew in that case. They don't go into what the potential games could be, but I imagine there's nothing of significant value being randomly included, I'd not expect to luck out and nab a Jetsons or anything. Odd indeed.
  13. I have no clue what this is, but it apparently exists, and is going to be available in... a few hours. They may go fast cuz I guess this guy is kinda popular on the Youtubes. Looks to be available at this link, today at 5pm EST: https://www.pixelempire.com/products/the-mysterious-game-of-crypticism-second-edition There are no gameplay videos or anything really beyond the above image to go off of. I have no real info beyond what's on the link above. But... maybe some of you are into this? Just wanted to share in case there's some crazy bugger on here who's "gotta catch em all" with regard to NES releases like this. UPDATE: Missed this, but from the listing: "These are official NES cartridges with the original label included underneath a new “The Mysterious Game of Crypticism” label. The games can be anything from the NES library! While it could be a cheap sports game, it could potentially be something far more special, uncommon, or even playable!"
  14. I mean, it's whatever kinda gaming community you want it to be, really. I mostly play Old School Runescape and Call of Duty on PC, personally.
  15. Yeah as far as I'm aware he's just a big ol' JERK LIAR!
  16. It really doesn't do the lore justice in any way whatsoever. If you're familiar with it, then I'd give it an even harder pass.
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